Marcy smirked. "I can't wait to see this."

"Me either. Make sure to do it when we're around." Marc added.

"Bloodthirsty, aren't you?" Marcus quipped.

"Not as bloody as her fist is gonna be!" Marcy leaned over to high-five Marc.

Mercedes caught the giggles. "I've thought about something for a while. Are you going to teach the twins English?"

Marcy made a considering face. "Sure. I guess. I never really thought about them talking past "mommy" so..."

"You are so self-absorbed." Marc shook his head.

"I know you're not talking when you're the one who dedicates songs to himself over the radio!"

"That was only one time!"

"That hour!"

Marcus and Rose laughed.

Mercedes smirked. "You look in the mirror more than anyone I know."

"And you always volunteered for those charity dates and auctions." Marcy added.

"I always brought in the most money!" Marc argued.

"Marc, honey, stop." Rose rubbed her hand down her face. "How'd you even get like this?"

Marcus made a face. "Really? You want to know how he got egotistical and conceited?"

"What are you saying? I'm not stuck on myself!"

"Momma, you have a healthy ego. You taught us to have confidence. That's not a bad thing." Mercedes soothed.

"Please! She's stuck on herself. But the good (if that's how you wanna look at it) part is, she's not alone. We're all mirror addicts." Marcy said.

"Excuse you! Who's all?" Marcus demanded.

"Come on, Daddy!" She lowered her voice. "Who's the best Daddy in the whole world?!"

"I was just stating a fact." Marcus sniffed.

Marc laughed. "It's okay, Dad. We happen to be the best people in the world."

"We are gorgeous." Rose flipped her hair.

Mercedes grinned. "We're messy is what we are."

"Is that why you take pictures of yourself every day?" Marcy asked.

Mercedes laughed. "Yes. I can't help it! I like to remember my on days."

"On days?"

"When I'm on point."

Marcy fell out laughing. "You make me happy."

Mercedes glowed. "Yay."

"So I was thinking; I'm not trying to get out of shopping I swear but I was wondering if we could stop by a hair salon. I've been blonde for months and I don't want to change it per se but I want something different."

"Different how?" Rose wanted to know.

Marcy shrugged.

Mercedes ran a hand through her hair. "Should I switch it up?"

"Yes. Take that horse hair outta your head."

"Marce! I don't wear horse hair! It's human!"

"It's creepy! You have hair! What are you doin?!"

Mercedes sighed. "Fine. I'll think of something."

"Thank you." Marcy swallowed the last of her juice. "Well I'm about to go get dressed and lay out the kids' clothes." She took her dishes to the dishwasher and loaded it up before heading upstairs.

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