“Okay, Casanova, let her go now. We’ve got it from here. No offense, but you’re kind-of in the way.” That’s the voice of the devil, telling my angel to leave me. Not today. I tighten my grip.

“Ow, Stone, Jesus…Sorry, dude, it looks like I’m coming with you. She won’t let go.” That’s my man. I think I just fell in love—



“Capt., I’m gunna catch a ride with Shep and Bowman, I’ll see you back at the station.” I feel a prick near my hand and I cry out. I hate needles so that better not be a goddamn needle. I peek out of one eye, but it’s fuzzy. All I can make out is a form looming over me, and the scent of cookies.

“Kyle,” I breathe. My angel squeezes my hand again.

“Stone, I’m not Kyle, but I’m here.” I imagine myself nodding but I honestly don’t think I physically could. My whole body feels like…


Rachel has taken up residency in my hospital room. She hasn’t gone home since the night I got here and the last time she slept was before they pulled me out of the medically induced coma. There’s a technical term for it, but damned if I know what it is. She looks like shit.

“You look like shit,” she says, burying her face in my hand. My lips twitch, itching to smile, and I would if I could. I squeeze her hand, weakly.

“Funny, you too,” I manage. My throat feels like it’s on fire. It’s never been this hard to talk; I don’t think I’ll ever take that skill for granted again. I sound like a toddler because I can only speak in three word increments.

She laughs, softly at first, and then louder until she’s throwing her head back and laughing so hard that she starts to cry. My eyes fill with tears and I hate seeing her in pain.

“Mmm,” The noise comes from the back of my throat, quietly, a sound of protest. She shakes her head and looks me in the eyes. Her hand feels warm in mine and she’s the only person I have left in this world who gives a flying fuck about me.

“I thought I was going to lose you,” she cries, kissing my thumb. Tears drip down my cheeks but I don’t have the strength to lift my hand and wipe them away. She dabs at them with the sleeve of her cardigan.

“You kidding? Can’t …rid me…easily.” She smiles through her own tears and I’m so grateful she’s by my side.

My eyes break away from Rachel’s as someone knocks on the door. My brow—what’s left of it—furrows in confusion.

“Parents not…Thursday,” I croak. Last time I checked, they were on a cruise in the Caribbean. Lord knows they aren’t coming home to see me before it’s over. My brothers are probably off doing God knows what anyways. Danny has work, probably, and Oliver…I don’t know where he is. I never do. Rach is literally the only person I know who would come out of their way to visit me.

Kyle would…but…

My throat hurts even more because I want to cry and I can’t.

Rach looks about as puzzled as I feel. She shakes her head and gets up from beside me, letting go of my hand. It feels cold without her there.

“Who the fuck are you?” She opens the door, popping one hand onto her hip. If I could gasp at her reaction, I would. I know it’s not a doctor because she’d be flirting, not defending her territory. I see the shadow of a blue t-shirt and muscles. Mouthwatering muscles.

Kyle’s face flashes through my brain.

“Uh—hi. I’m just here to drop off her personal effects. The police finished their investigation and a buddy of mine thought I could give these to her.” That voice. The tone of it is a little off. A little more nervous, for sure, but it’s him.

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