finding out (12)

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The next week the only times Violetta came out of the room was when she went to Candelaria after some new clothes, she was still broken because of Léon, he have been freaking out beacause Violetta just locked herself in the room not coming out, he already tried talking to her but without luck. Day by day Violetta also got more cuts, she just couldn't deal with the pain.
This night Violetta again just cried, so again she walked to the bathroom and as the other days without locking the door, but exactly that day or night Léon thought he just wanted to see Violetta, when she was asleep. Because he really enjoyed doing that. But when he walked into her room he saw that she wasn't in her bed, and of course he thought she was on the toilet so he walked out, then he heard the bathroom door shut and saw Violetta with a paper on her wrist "Léon?" she fast hid her wrist behind her back, Léon could see she have been crying and even that broke him too, he walked up to her and took both her hands, Violetta let go of the paper by accident, Léon looked at her shocked when he saw all the cuts on her wrist, and the new one she just made was still bleeding a little, he fast ran to the bathroom and saw the shaving knife laying on the table and then walked back to Violetta "did you do this?" he asked her slowly hoping on a no, but was 99% sure about it was a yes, she didn't reply and just walked to the bed and sat down on it "Violetta did you do that to you wrist?" he asked again but again without getting any answer "Violetta! answer!" he shouted but fast regretted it when he saw her crying "i-i'm s-" she cut him off "why do you care" she whispered just for Léon to hear "because i care about you" "yeah right" "it's true. But did you do it" he then asked all calm, she nodded looking down, "why?" Léon asked "because it hurted Léon, you were the first i really fell in love with, and you promised you wouldn't find anyone better, i know you can't promise that, but you still did. Léon, you and Candelaria was the only ones i had in my life, my parents died, and my stepmother was just using me to do everything. and you said you found someone else i haven't even seen her. It just hurted too mutch, and this" she pointed at her wrist and then continued "helped the pain you made to go away" she finished while still crying "Vi-vio-violetta i-i'm so so sorry"

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