Homeless (6)

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"so, how is it to be a prince?" Violetta asked Léon while they were walking Buster "well it can be hard but it is ok, i mean people always are like judging me" "how?" "they think i'm arrogant and get everything i want, but that's not true, of course my parents have a lot off moneys but still" Violetta looked directly at Léons eyes, his beautiful greenish hazel eyes but snapped out of her thoughts when Buster saidsomething "can we please get me some dog treats?" "eh eh ye-es of-of cours" Léon looked weird at Violetta "Buster wants some treats" "oh ok, then let's go" they walked to a pet shop and bought some treats for Buster "let's go to the park!" Violetta squealed "ok ok,just take it easy" Léon answered.
They walked to the park and sat down on a bench, suddenly two girls walked up to us "hi, can you please give us some moneys our mom is sick and we can't pay the bill" they looked sad and Violetta didn't have anything but Léon answered "here you go" he said and handed them both a coin, the two girls thanked him and walked back over to their mother who just sat on the ground against a tree "Léon!!" Violetta shouted "what" Léon asked all calm "you are a freaking prince, you have alot of moneys and you gave them one coin earch, their mother is sick!" Violetta said more calm. Léon looked kind of shocked by Violetta shouting "why do you care it isn't your mother" Léon said not caring about the girls, Violetta looked down in her hands "when i was a kid, around their age" she pointed at the two girls "i was homeless just like them, my dad died because he was in the army and later my mom got very sick" tears began falling down her cheaks but she continued "that's why my mom died, no one ever helped, but instead just said she should get a work, but she couldn't" Léon looked at her for a while and then pulled her in a hug, Violetta whiped away her tears "come" Léon held out his hand for Violetta to take it, they walked to the girls and their mother. Léon kneeled down infront of their mother who looked weak up on Léon "what is your names?" Léon asked the two girls "Maria" the biggest one said "Sophia" the other said, then Léon stood up again and took his phone "am i talking to the hospital.. can you come with an ambulnce too eh the park in the town?" Léon asked. After a while the sirens of the ambulance was heard, the men ran out and Léon said while pointing at Maria and Sophias mom "it's her" they took her in the car, "can we come too?" Maria asked "no, can you stay at someones?" one off the men asked, Maria and Sophia shoke their head slowly looking at the ground "they can stay with me" Léon said smiling, Maria and Sophia looked at him with big eyes "ok, what's your phone number? then we can call you when you can take her home" "my number is .. ... .." "ok, and btw what is youe moms name" the ambilance man asked Maria and Sophia "Sam" they both said "ok thanks, and we will call you if there is anything. The ambulance drive away, and Léon, Violetta and the two girls wal to the castle.

the prince and the ordinary girl (leonetta)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang