Chapter Four : Chicken Alfredo

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At 7 in the morning. I finally hear the door unlocking and I get up from the couch.

" Hey, Gabe." Olivia said casually

" Hey? Hey? That's all you have to say!" I start raising my voice at her.

Is she for real? She shows up after not being home for the entire night and looking a hot mess and then acts like nothing is wrong?

" Stop yelling. I'm hungover as shit." She tells me rubbing the temple of her head and putting her purse down.

" Did you check your phone at all? I called you like 30 times last night. This isn't a joke. I thought something serious happened with you Olivia." I say to her with the same loudness.

" My phone is dead and I should be the one mad at you. I went looking for you at the end of the night and you weren't anywhere in the house."

" Because I was literally in the backyard! You must not have looked hard enough. If you would've just left when I asked you too after Zach basically fucking sexually assaulted me then none of this would have happened."

" Wait... Zach did what?" She asked me. Even though I know that she heard me perfectly clear.

" Yeah." Not really knowing what else to say about the situation.

" I'm going to fucking kill him."

" Don't worry I got him back pretty good." I smile to myself remembering the memory of him groaning in pain on the floor.

" Still I feel-" She stops and covers her mouth before running to the bathroom.

I hear the sound of her throwing up and run into the bathroom after her.

I grab her hair and pull it away from her face.

" If I wasn't so mad at you right now. I would joke and ask if you were pregnant." I say rubbing her back in a comforting way.

" I didn't have that much fun last night."

" You dancing with your shirt off in front of everybody says otherwise."

I see her cheeks flush with embarrassment. " Oh god."

" Don't act so surprised, this isn't the first time." I remind her.

She ignores me with a groan and leaves another present inside the toilet. "Do we have any Advil?" She asked me.

" Lemme go check."

" Oh, and can you also make me your famous Chicken Alfredo."

" Fine but you are so lucky I feel bad for you otherwise the answer would've been no." I tell her with a laugh.

I get up and look through all of the cabinets. Unfortunately not having any luck with finding any advil.

" I can't find anything so I'm just going to head to the store. I have to grab a few things for the pasta anyways." she just gives me a thumbs up to weak to muster up any words.

I roll my eyes in amusement. She is always so dramatic. She's acting like she just got shot. When in reality she just had one to many shots. Okay... Maybe more than one but still.


I'm almost done shopping after what feels like 3 hours. Which was actually probably only 1.
I never understood how some people can finish up their entire grocery shopping so quickly. I would most likely forget everything I came there to get in the first place.

Alright, I just got to get the medication and I'll be all set. As I'm looking through all the aisles i never realized how many different options there was.

Back when I was a kid my mom would just get me some Robitussin and call it a day. Anything to save us a trip from the hospital. I smile to myself remembering the memory and knowing that's where I get my cheapness from but that smile quickly dissolved when I remember the current situation we currently have with each other.

My thoughts are misplaced by a voice that sounds very familiar to me.

Me being nosey I try to list closer to the conversation.

" I don't care if they called you into work last minute Jaxon! If we have plans you can't just not show up. Tell your boss you can't today."

" It doesn't work like that Sabrina." I hear an annoyed voice sigh.

I peak around the corner trying to match the face to the voice.

It's that dude works at the car shop! His fine ass.

While I sit there admiring God's wonderful creation I catch him for the second time doing something that made me skeptical the first time.

Looking at a guy and I mean really looking, and this time i know it's not my eyes that are deceiving me.

He catches me looking at him and I quickly look away and speed walk back towards the medication aisle.

I pick up two random bottles and pretend to be reading them.

I feel a tap on my shoulder but i don't need to turn around to know who it is.

" Hey." he tells me.

" Oh hey! How are you?" I replied.

Maybe I should consider an acting career instead of art. I seem to be good at that too.

" How is the car running?" He asks me to try and make small talk but I know what's really going to come out at the end of this conversation.

" Way better than my old car that's for sure. Thanks again." Oh my god this is so awkward.

" Don't mention it and Gabriel.."

" Yeah?" I responded.

" That wasn't what it looked like back there." You mean you looking at a guy's ass and biting your lip? It sure looked like that in my opinion but i'll play along.

" I know." This conversation needs to end.

" Because im not a faggot or anything." Yep that's it. Its ending.

" Bye." I tell him walking away. I hate that word so much. I know some people think it's okay if other gays say it but i still hate it and i try not even say that word myself.

" Wait." He grabs me by my coat sleeve. " Are you.." He starts and I see the realization finally start to hit his face.

" A Faggot? Yeah I am." I cringe internally saying it but let's be honest I killed that and the look of his face made it all worth it.

" I'm sorry. I didn't know" He says rubbing the back of his neck.

Before I can even respond his girlfriend comes and wraps her arms around his neck.

" Baby why are you taking so long you said you were coming right back" The squeaky voice says.

He undoes her arm from around him. " I'm coming Sabrina calm down."

I hear her huff but i don't know what happens after that because i don't stay around to find out.


When I get home Olivia is all wrapped up in her blanket.

" Did you get the medicine?" Shit.

" No... but I got the alfredo." I say holding up the bags.

She lets out a groan and I roll my eyes. Welcome to our typical relationship.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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