Chapter Three : Maltido

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"I still can't believe you convinced me to go to this party." I groaned.

We just got out of my parked car and I already see that this night is not going to be a very sober one. With the 2 people who are already passed out on the grass.

" It will be fun! Also, I heard that Zach is going to be there." Olivia wiggles her eyebrows. Like I'm actually enjoying finding out about this new information.

" Zach is a creep. Every time he's around me he doesn't miss any opportunity to try and find a new way to hit on me."

" It's just because he likes you Gabriel. Now let's go inside." She grabs my arm and leads me inside while I roll my eyes at her.

Flirting and having a simple crush is one thing but what he does is something to another extent.

Following her inside it's basically what you would expect at a college party. Couples on couches making out, People snorting lines of coke in the dining room, and lots and lots of drinking.

" I'm going to find Tiffany. I'll be back." She says in my ear over the loud music.

Her 'coming back' is being gone and leaving me alone for over an hour. That's usually how every party goes and why I don't normally make this a ritual as she does.

I squeeze my way through the crowd to find myself something to drink but not having much luck since all I see is liquor.

" Looking for something man?" A boy I don't seem to recognize asked me. He's clearly one of the frat boys who live here.

" Yeah, do you guys have any water or something?"

He laughs like I made the Funniest joke. "Yeah, the sink is right over there." He gestured to the tap and walked away.

I'm not shocked being in a frat house and everything. I take a sigh and try to find a spot to sit down at and that's when I feel someone grab my arm. I turn around to see who touched me and what a surprise, it's Zach.

" Hey Gabe." He slurs. I notice the alcohol on his breath right away.

" Hi." I keep it short and simple.

" Come On. Dance with me." he tries to say seductively but this isn't turning me on at all. Instead, he sounds like someone who is out of breath from a Marathon with how low he is whispering.

" Umm, no thank you. I actually have to go and find Olivia" I try to politely decline. Wow, I'm way to nice for my own good.

" She can wait a few minutes." He keeps on persisting.

" I really have to go."

" Don't be like that. You're always playing hard to get." Oh, it's not playing. I really don't want you to get anything from me.

" I'm not interested Zach."

That's when he corners me against the wall and gets a little bit to close for my liking.

" I see the way you look at me." In repulse? Of course I do.

His lips graze my neck and I feel nauseous with him touching me.

" Get off of me." I try to push him off but he has an iron grip on me.

This guy can't take a fucking hint! It's not even a hint. I'm telling him straight up to leave me alone.

" Be quiet." He whispers against my ear.

That's it.

" Tu Maldito Bicho raro! Te dije Que no, que no entiendes. La próxima vez que me toques, voy a tirar un ladrillo a tu Cabeza grande!!" That's when I kick him as hard as I can right in the crotch.

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