Chapter Two : Grandma

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Waking up I decided on getting an oil change and getting my car looked at. As much as I hate to say it. I know and accept the fact that It could probably break down with me in it, at any given moment.

" Come on." I say for the fourth time, twisting the key trying to get it to start. The only response I get is a clicking noise. Finally, on the fifth try, I hear the engine barely come to life. " I knew you still had it in you!" I cheered.

The ride there was bumpy but thankfully got me to where I needed to go. The closest car shop from my house was about a twenty-five minute ride away. It seemed that only two workers were working right now. An old man who probably shouldn't be working anymore at his age and a guy who seemed a couple of years older than me. To say he was average looking would be a lie.

It was the old man who approached me. I try not to look disappointed that it wasn't the other worker, as I explain my situation to him.

" Don't you worry lad. We will get her all fixed up for you." He says reassuring me with a pat on my shoulder.

As I wait in the waiting room. I read the limited outdated magazines they have laid out on an old water-stained table.

This is my first time in a car shop. Well the first time that I've been alone anyways, due to the fact that I haven't seen my parents in two years since I came out to them. I thought that their reaction would be different since they aren't crazy religious or anything but I guess that I was wrong. Because the moment that I told them all hell broke loose.

They were so stuck up in their traditional ways that they couldn't find a way to accept their own son and love him.

My thoughts were interrupted by the cuter boy who seemed to be a few years older than me holding a clipboard. " Gabriel? There is no other way to say this but your car is fucked. You have a better deal to just buy a new car because fixing it would cost more than the car is actually worth."

My brows furrowed together. He cuts right to the point huh? " Shit, there has to be something that you can do." I say to him.

" I can change a few things out, but it would still be pointless because your car would still break down a few weeks later" he explains to me.

" Well, that's just great. I can hardly pay for a place to live and now I have to find a way to pay at least 2,000 dollars for a car" I say to myself out loud.

" We have a few used cars here if you want to look around and see if you like something" He gestures out the shop to the dozen cars they have out in the lot.

" I appreciate that but there isn't a way I can afford any of those right now." I tell him truthfully.

" How much could you put down today?" he asked me.

" 200 dollars." I say embarrassed.

"Gotcha, so how about a deal? I'll let you walk out with any used car. If you leave this one with us and pay just 200 a month." He offers to me.

He doesn't know me. Why is he being generous? " I can't do that to you."

" I insist. I know what it's like to struggle and I have it in good with the boss. Its the least I can do to help you out."

I hesitate before saying " Okay... I appreciate it really."

" It's no biggie. Come on, I'll take you to see them." He replies to me and puts his hand on my shoulder guiding me to the parking lot.

I look down at his arm around me. Taking a notice that his hand is huge, basically taking over my entire shoulder. I wonder what else a hand that big could do...

Enough dirty thinking Gabriel! He's doing you a favor. This is strictly a professional relation. Besides this dude is straight as can be. Just by looking at him you can tell.

He catches me staring at his hand and gives me a weird look. I quickly Averted my eyes.

" Alright. So we have a few cars you can pick from. The first car is a Jeep. It has a 6-speed transmission, 1.4-liter engine, and it's a 4 cylinder car." He starts explaining to me.

Huh? Was that English?

" Umm ok" I nodded my head like I understood a single word that he said.

" You're not understanding any of this are you?" He says with a small smile.

" Not really, if I'm being honest." I say truthfully. He lets out a laugh and I return an embarrassed one back.

" We have a Toyota. It doesn't have too many miles on it and it's great on gas."

He walks over to the almost perfect conditioned car. I take a look and observe it. It's white and looks to have no scratches.

I hear him unlock the car doors so that I can take a look inside. It's an all-black exterior. It even has a GPS screen inside it! I'm really out here living bouji I love that for me.

" This all seems too good to be true. How do I know you're not just trying to scam me 200 dollars and that this is a piece of shit car that will break down?" I interrogated.

" I feel like I have the right to be insulted now. Since I'm the one who repaired this car from scraps." He tells me with a small smile so I know that he actually isn't.

He continues on. "I'm obviously going to go with you so you can test drive it real quick to see if you even like it."

A few minutes later we are on the main roads. So far everything is running good. It feels kind of weird not having those noises in the background and to see what breaks are actually supposed to feel like when they work.

I hear him laugh from the passenger side.

" What?" I asked him.

" You Drive like a freaking grandma dude."

" I do not!" I say trying to defend myself.

" The speed limit is 55 and you are going 35, and look how close you have your head to the wheel."

Okay, so I might need new a prescription with my glasses but I can't be going that slow. I look down and realize he's right.

" There is nothing wrong with being safe." I tell him.

" Well, what do you think so far?" He asked me curiously.

" I actually really like it."

" Of course you do. Not to brag or anything but I'm one of the best at what I do." He says cockily.

I choose to ignore what he said. " I'll take it."

After signing a few copies of paperwork and trying to get everything situated. I'm finally handed the key to the car.

" Thank you again..." I drag out realizing I still don't know his name.

" Jaxon Miller and it's not a problem Gabriel." He tells me with a firm handshake and I swear when I was walking away. I saw him looking at me up and down. It was probably just my imagination. Damn, I must be horny as fuck.

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