Chapter 15 - Critical

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Ken tries to wake her up but Touka won't open her eyes. Tsukiyama checks on her then he found out she is bleeding too much from the wound on her back. Hide and Ken panicking and they need to stop the bleeding but they don't know how. Tsukiyama asked Nishiki to help him then they both lay her down near the fireplace. Hide and Ken curious about what will they do but suddenly, Nishiki takes out a blade and torn her clothes.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?", yelled both of them.

"Please don't think something weird, I'm trying to help her!", protested Nishiki.

The princes blushing when they saw Touka's bare skin but then, they look pale when they saw numerous scars and a new deep wound on her skin. Nishiki then burn his blade meanwhile Tsukiyama bundled his handkerchief and he put it inside Touka's mouth.

"Wait, what are you doing?", asked Hide.

"We are going to do cauterization. We will burn her skin in order to close the wound."

"Say what?! But it will leave a big scar on her skin!", protests Ken.

"There's no doctor here and she might die due blood loss before we reached town, Your Highness! We don't have any choice but to close her wound first."

Tsukiyama called the other knights to hold her hands and feet down meanwhile Tsukiyama holding her body, and Nishiki bringing a burned blade on his hand. Nishiki looks at them then he starts sticking the hot blade on Touka's back. At first Touka clenches her fists but then she tried to bite her tongue and struggling. Hearing her silence scream, Ken starting to tearing up and covering his ears meanwhile Hide thrown up outside. They can't stand to see Touka in pain but they don't want her to die either.

After the cauterization done, Touka passed out and they immediately bring her into a carriage. All along the way, Ken keep imagining Touka passing out on his leap then he started crying.

"It's my fault. If only I work hard in my sword class, this won't be happened!"

"Ken, stop. It's partially my fault too. I often run away from my responsibilities as a prince and abandon my duty. So, stop blaming yourself."

After they arrived at the palace, they bring down Touka from carriage immediately. Yomo and Ayato rushed to her and Ayato can't stop crying. Yomo asked what happened to her and Tsukiyama told Yomo to follow him. Nishiki commands someone to call the doctor Banjou, the imperial doctor immediately tells the others to bring her to hospital.

The fuss happened in the palace and the rumors spreading so fast. Ken and Hide feel uncomfortable but then they were summoned by the king. They both didn't say any single word and when they enter the throne room, they saw both of Ken's parents have a serious expression. Ken and Hide feel nervous but they try to control their emotion in front of majesties then they bowed down.

"Do you know why I summon you?! What are you thinking?!? Both of you are princes! You two already an adult and yet you put yourselves into danger!!!", yelled the King.

"Your Majesty, it's not Ken's fault! I'm the one who brought him outside the palace!", cuts Hide.

"Silence! Who give you permission to talk?! Prince Hide, I won't punish you but I already told your parents about what happened. I'm sure you will have some business with them."

"...Yes, Your Majesty. (Shit! I'm doomed!!!)"

"Prince Ken, come up here.", told the queen as she is smiling to him. Ken goes up and as he reached up there, the queen rises up and she approaches her son. She raises her hands then she touches one of his bruise and Ken frowning.

"Is it hurt? But it's just a bruise. I heard your knight wounded heavily from protecting you. She has done her task well. But can you imagine how much the pain that your knight must bear? Protecting you from dangerous that caused by your irresponsibility actions. Prince Ken, I hope you learn from this incident. As a prince, as a future king, you must take a responsibility of your own actions."

Ken's eyes widened when he heard it then he kneels down in front of his parents.

"Yes, Your Majesties. It's my fault; I put myself, my friend's, and my knight's life in danger. Therefore, I will reflect of my own actions and I will receive any punishment."

Both of king and queen look at their son, he and Prince Hide are full of bruise then the king permits them to leave and get treatment. The two princes walked out from the room and they both become gloom.

"Sorry Ken, because of me you receive punishment too. It should be me who receive it."

"Don't worry, Hide. I need that punishment so I can learn from my mistakes. ...I'm worried about Touka."

When they are going to see doctor, suddenly Nishiki called Hide while bringing someone with him; it's Nishino Kimi, one of Nagachika's imperial doctor. She told them that she was sent by the king to check Hide's condition and to bring him back home with her after this. Hide gulped as he started imagining what kind of punishment that he will receive.

Kimi checked up both of the princes, she told both of them only get bruised then she gave them some medicines. Hide told Ken about Kimi's competence then Ken asked her help to check on someone too. Ken and Hide bring her to hospital there and they meet Banjou.

"Dr. Banjou, how is Touka?"

"Oh, Your Highness! ...Her condition isn't too good. Besides from the burn, she also has three broken ribs."

Hearing it from him, the two princes shock and they asked where she is now. Banjou bring them into a separated room and they saw Touka still lying unconscious. Kimi checked her back and she said this burn marks will leave on her skin but she also admires the people who decide to do cauterization since they made a good choice to stop the bleeding. Kimi then shares a prescription drugs to Banjou which those ingredients will accelerate her recovery.

After she finished her business there, she took Hide with her and they returned to their palace. Banjou asked permission to leave first since he has other patients that he has to treat. Now, it's only Touka and Ken who are in the room. Ken sits on chair besides the bed and he just noticed something on her neck, it's the rabbit pendant that he gave to her as her birthday present.

"I don't expect you wear the necklace which I gave to you. ...Hey, Touka? I'm sorry for not protecting you. Even though you're my knight, you're also the person that I fall in love with. And get these injuries because of me. I swear, I will become stronger so I can protect you. That's why...please wake up. I will be always waiting for you to come back to me."

Ken takes Touka's hand then he kissed it as he is crying.


Prince's Knight (Kaneki X Touka Kingdom AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon