Chapter 13 - Missing Princes

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It's early October, Ken and Touka haven't talk since Ken was rejected by Touka and it's really bothering them. Ken told Hide that he hasn't talked to Touka for two weeks and he asked for help through letter. A few days later, Hide suddenly came to Ken's palace.

"HELLO! HELLO EVERYONE! HOW ARE YOU?! YOU MUST BE MISSING ME!!!", shouted him loudly until Ayato covered both of his ears.


Hide pulled Ken away from Touka and he told Ayato to talk with his sister. Hide and Ken headed to gazebo in the middle of garden then they have a talk there.

"Now, what happened to you two? It's the second time you guys have a fight."

Ken told him what happened and Hide became speechless instantly, it turned out that they become distant because of Ken's confession. Hide glanced to Touka and even she is with her brother, she is not like her normally. Hide furrowed his eyebrows then an idea popped out from his mind.

"Hey, do you want to sneak out from the palace?"

"What? Are you out of mind? My parents won't allow it!"

"I said we will sneak out. Who said we will ask your parents for permission to go out! Oh, come on! We are not kids anymore! You will turn into 17 in two months!"

Ken thought about Hide's words, yeah, they aren't kids anymore and it's not wrong to break rules for once. They both disguised as commoner and they were leaving the palace without anyone knowing about it.

Fifteen minutes have passed and Touka just realized there's something wrong happened. She searched for two princes but she can't find them anywhere then she reported it to Tsukiyama and he immediately commanded the knights and guards to find them. Touka told Ayato to wait for her inside the palace whilst she is going to search for the lost two princes in town.


Despite the cold from wind blowing, Ken and Hide were having fun in town. Since Hide already sneaked out from his palace several times, he knew more about commoner's life. He used this chance to teach Ken some new things and he bought some soups on market for Ken. At first Ken refused to eat it but after Hide persuaded him, he finally ate it and it turned out he likes it. When he is going to have the second bowl, suddenly Hide pulled him down and they both hiding from the knights who are patrolling near them.

"Whoa! They already notice that we were gone?!", whispered Hide.

"Hide! Let me go! I dropped my pocket watch!"

"Argh! Why do you bring that thing?!? It will be dangerous if someone know about our identity! Quick, take it!"

Ken crawled then before he reached his pocket watch, a man with beard took it then he gave it to Ken. Ken thanked him then the man left them, Ken and Hide let a sigh then they peek from behind the stand and the knights have gone. To avoid those knights, Hide brought Ken to an alley and before they reached the exit, suddenly they feel pain on their neck and everything became dark.


Touka splits up with the others and while she was looking for them, she saw two suspicious guys bringing two sacks from alley. She followed them but she was blocked by the crowds, the last thing she saw is they put the sacks into a carriage and they go out from the town. Touka saw a horse near her and she rode it to pursue them.


-???- head hurts. What happened? Why it's so dark here? Hide? Where is he? Where am i? Ngggh! I can't move! Don't tell me, we were kidnapped?!

Ken suddenly heard footsteps behind him then someone took off his blindfold. He shook his head and tried to adapt his eyes; he is in a cottage and he saw Hide still unconscious beside him. Both of them were tied on chair and the person who standing behind him walked toward in front of him, Ken realized the man who kidnapped them; it's the guy who picked his pocket watch.

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't ever your parents tell you that outside the palace is dangerous, prince?"

"I-I'm not a prince!"

"Don't lie to me, prince. Only the people in palace who can have pocket watch with dragon engraving on it."

They both stop talking when they heard a moaning sound from Hide. He woke up and wriggling on chair since his blindfold still hasn't taken off. The other man entered the cottage and he took Hide's blindfold roughly.

"Ouch! My head. Ken! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, i'm good. Hide, we're really really in big trouble. These men...know who we are."

Their face become pale, they didn't expect they will get kidnapped and they don't bring their weapon. They asked what they want from both of them and they laughed, they mocked them as idiot princes and they said they want money with mockery tone. If the king and the queen don't give them money, they will kill both of them.

Ken imagined how they will die and he can't stop shivering and Hide convinced him that knights will rescue them. After two hours, there's no sign there's someone will help them. There's a fireplace in front of them but no one lit the fire and the temperature in the room is cold enough.

"S-Sorry, Ken. I don't expect it will turn out like this. If only i heard your advice, we won't experience this."

"D-Don't worry, it's not your fault. It's my fault for bringing the pocket watch with me."

Both of Ken and Hide were startled when they saw another man get into the cottage and he hit both of them.

"You pampered kids! When will they send us the money?! Don't they care about you?"

He kept beating and kicking them until the blood flowing out from their mouth and their nose. But then the door slammed open and both of princes heard the man's screaming. They open their eyes a little and they saw the blue haired knight have cut the man' hands and feet.



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