Chapter 3 - Birthday Present

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The day before Ken's fifteenth birthday, Hide still thinking about a special birthday present while lying in his bed but then an idea pop up inside his mind. On the next day, he sneaks to weapon storage and he found the silver haired knight wiping swords there. He approaches him and called him from behind, Yomo turns back and he immediately puts the sword down and kneeling before him. Hide demands him to stand up and he obeys him.

"Why are you here, Your Highness? Do you need something from me?"

"Tomorrow is Ken's birthday and i want to give him something extraordinary. But the thing is...i need to ask you first."

"Yes, what is it?"

"That's your niece."


Five minutes later...

"...Sir Yomo? Is there something wrong?"

"I beg your pardon, i don't understand what you mean."

"Just like i said, i want to give him your niece."

"...May i ask why?"

"I can't be here every day and Ken needs someone to be his friend here. I worried he will spend his time with books until he turns into adult."

"But we're commoners, prince. I'm afraid our status is too different. Also, i doubt His Majesty will allow it."

"Is that so? So, i will count it as 'yes' if i can convince them. Oh! And i want to bring home that little one."

"Eh?! But he-"

"You see... I don't have any sibling and whenever i ask people including my parents to play, they always refused me. I'm...lonely.", said him as he shed tears.

Yomo knows there's something off with his words but he doesn't dare to defy a prince.

"Don't worry! I will take good care of him!"

Yomo silently sighs then he told him that he will explain to his niece and his nephew first. Right after Hide comes out from the storage, he is humming in happiness and he can't wait for tomorrow. When he reaches the main castle, Ken saw him and he immediately rushes to his best friend.

"Hide, where have you been?! I'm looking for you for thirty minutes!"

"Sorry, i just looking around your castle. Oh! I'm also excited for tomorrow!"

"You're weird, it should be me who be excited."

-Next Morning-

Ken turns to fifteen today, people celebrate his birthday and royal families from another kingdoms also attended his birthday party. Yoshimura royal family from north, Kamishiro royal family from south, Washu royal family from west, and Nagachika royal family from east. They give Ken luxury presents but when it comes to Prince Nagachika Hideyoshi, he doesn't bring anything and it makes the others talking about him.

"His Majesty, Her Majesty, and Your Highness, please wait a moment. My present is on the way."

Shortly after, the silver haired knight brings a little kid with him. They kneeling before the royal family then Hide pointing at the girl as he said, "This is my birthday present."

Everyone become dumbfounded then Hide tells the reason why he chooses the child as his birthday present. The king and the queen knows that their son has social issue, while they were asking her name, suddenly a maid who bringing the wine to royal families get tripped and cups of wine falls to Prince Hide. The audiences were screaming and Hide shuts his eyes, he waits to get drenched but nothing happen. Right after the maid was tripped, the older sibling moves quickly; she caught the cups right before the wine spilled to Prince Hide with both of her hands. They saw not of single drop wine spilled and she gives the glass to the maid. Everyone astonished by her reflex then the main hall fulfilled by applause.

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