1:04 a.m. || empty.

10 0 0

Lately I've just been feeling so empty. I don't meant for it to happen, it just does. And for some reason I can't seem to change it. When I'm alone with my thoughts at night it's the worst, because there's no escaping it no matter hard I try. I'm alone. I have no friends whatsoever that I can talk about anything to anymore. My significant other doesn't even give me the amount of attention I wish for. I see him once a week, if that. Our text conversations are so short that you can see all of it on one screen. I don't get replies for hours on end, and I can't help but think I'm boring or not enough or even entertaining. All things I've been told or thought before. And it's not the greatest on my own mental health. I should not be here, empty, and crying almost every night because I feel so alone. I wish things were the way they were when we first started dating. I can't help but think that everything is too comfortable and that I couldn't be lost because in reality I can. I wish I wasn't seen as a 2nd, or even 3rd choice. I put all of my stuff aside, but can't even get that in return. And I'm getting tired. I hope things change soon because I'm tired of feeling so down and empty.

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