One of them walked up to mother and leaned over to her ear. "Mrs; Bring the child along, he's covered in evil escence." I heard nothing, but saw her nod, and grab my hand, pulling me along. We arrive at the altar, where they served me bread and wine. They finally laid me down on the floor, and stood around me, saying prayers. I felt a great pull, followed by a hard tug on my body from above. It felt like God was pulling something out of me. Whatever was being pulled out, forced it's way back in.

The priests would begin to pour holy water on me, which burned my flesh with contact. Something unexpected happened during the curing process. Rumbles beneath me, caused the people standing to fall backward, spilling the holy water all over the ground, creating puddles of water. I stood up, and felt my heart being squeezed. At that moment, an old priest calls out to me.

"Young Danny! Your insides will burn if we cure you. You'll be nothing more than a lifeless husk! But that's not important right now, leave the church at once!" Mother picks me up and runs in the direction of the entrance. "Wait, what's happening!" I cry out. "The boiler was left on, and it's gonna blow!" Screams another priest.

"Danny, let's just go!" The thirty year old woman kicks the door open, wide enough to fit the both of us through. As soon as we got far enough from the church, mother would place me down, as we turn to look at the church, in pieces. We know nothing about the status of the priests, but we decided it would be safe to drive off. After praying for the four priests, we drive off to home.

That day, the Sun came as fast as it left. At the time, the Moon was visible, and I could see the stars in the Milky Way. I took a telescope, and headed out when mother was asleep, to look at the stars. I found Jupter with luck, and took a picture so I can show mom, before packing up to go back in. I was stopped by Lucifer materializing in front of my eyes. He had another message for me.

"What do you want!" I exclaim, as I'm clearly aggravated. He surprisingly responded in an almost.. calm voice? "Look boy, I saw you try and get rid of Markie. I can only assume you're taking what I've said as a lie. I promise you, before school I'll show you to hell. I'll bring you to your father." I swallow hard, deciding on how I will reply. After all, he is the king, the overlord of hell. Who knows what he will do to me.

I eventually made my decision to accept it, and watch as he nods, before vanishing. That same night, I had a nightmare about the silhouette again; But this time, I was kinda used to it.

When mother left for work, and I got dressed for school, like promised the Hell incarnate Lucifer took me to hell to visit my father. Hell looked all like how described, and drawn in cartoons. I simply could not imagine residing here for more than a day. I watched as demons basked in lava, and sinners had their skin peeled, then grown back. It was just like how I imagined. Lava pouring from the ceiling in random areas, fire breathing monsters, and a throne. Lucifer's throne.

The devilman showed me around the place, and then took me to a room with my father in it. It was a cell that looked like one from jail in the movies. "Dad!" I excitedly exclaim. I jump up to hug him, tears flooding my eyes and blurring my vision. Streams of the salty liquid formed dark patches of moist on my father's shirt. "Is it really you? The one I could not simply like without?" waves of emotion pass through my body as I cannot believe it's really him.

His eyes sat glued to the wall, with no color but white in them. Not a single word escaped his lips as he sat there without movement. He stared not even blinking. I lift off of him to look him in the eyes, noticing what I didn't before. Just a blank expression asif someone glued a deadman's face on him was all that showed from my poor father trapped in that body.

"What did you do to him?!" I scream in the direction on the cursed man. "He's mortified after all he's been seeing for these days in Hell." The demon would begin to laugh in such a tone that sounded almost maniacal. He had tears streaming down his face. But ones formed from the feeling of joy, not sadness.

"Don't make that face at me boy! You look like someone stole your candy and your papa won't do anything about it!" He chucked even more, as I began to frown. "Your father's expression makes him look like he's disappointed for having you!" At this point I'm done with his games. I lunge forward at him in an attempt to hit him. "Don't you dare talk about my father like that!" The attack was a complete miss. Lucifer frowned at my attempt to hit him. "Ungrateful children these days." he mumbled.

"YOU tried to hit ME! Don't make me laugh. Watch your back Danny. That's some good advice." I blew a raspberry at him as he escorted me out of hell. He dropped me off at the bus stop, and frowed at as the bus drove off to school. I flipped him off and rested my head on the seat. At last we arrived at the school after picking up lots of kids. The school doors opened five minutes after our arrival, and kids stormed into the building. I met Jack and Lamont at my locker, and we joked around a bit.

We made it to first class and got seated, listening to the teacher run her mouth. Skipping forward some, we head to lunch and begin to chat. "Yo Danny, did you forget your inhaler or something?" Questions Lamont. "Well, no I didn't. I no longer have asthma." Lamont spits up his chocolate milk in my face, puzzled from hearing seemingly impossible news. "Wait, what?! Ain't that impossible?" I shake my head while I think of a proper response.

"Look, this may sound dumb or fake, but you have to trust me ok?" I ask them. "You also need to keep this a secret." Both Lamont and Jack nod, agreeing to keep it a secret. "I made a deal with the devil..." Jack was at sixes and sevens and Lamont was lifting his jaw off the table, and securing it in place. "Danny you do know what you did wrong right? Satan lies! Like, a lot!" Exclaims Jack. "Not so loud!" I whisper.

Dark aura slowly surrounds the three of us. Swiftly, I catch a glimpse of the lord of all things bad, slitting Jack's throat. Blood spills over the lunch table, and Jack struggles to take in breath. "C-Cu!' Jack falls over backward gripping his neck, trying to hold both halves of his neck together. "C-Call" He spits up blood, and leaks those precious liquids out his throat.

Me and Lamont just sit there, eyes widened staring at him as he coughs blood on our faces. He gasps and gasps for air, gushing blood from his throat, sheading tears, as large puddles form on the floor. "T-T-The Nur..." Lamont looks over at me and I scream, alerting the whole cafeteria. Lamont gets Jack's message and runs to the nurses office, and bolts back in with the nurse. 

"We can't save him, he lost too much blood." I cover my face with my hands visibly scared. All I could think of at the moment, was that it was my fault.

A Deal With Lucifer (Currently Editing)Where stories live. Discover now