"I'm starving, could you run and pick me up something to eat?" Echo asked, smirking back at her, but anger and annoyance was in her eyes.

Elena suddenly jumped up, running toward a large rock. The witch flicked her hand and Elena went flying through the hair.

Echo glared at the witch, and jumped up to her feet. The second step she did so, she went flying though the air. She let cry out as she landed pretty hard on her hip.

The witch raised her hand once again and flames appear around Elena and Echo, trapping them in their own circle of fire.

Echo growled and tried to jump over the flames, but was stopped when the flames grew higher. 

"Don't bother trying to get through, I've spelled the circles," Greta stayed, grinning. "You're trapped no matter what you do." 

"Greta please, just let her go," Elena pleaded, looking at her sister and aunt in worry.

Greta took out a knife, slicing it across her wrist. "Klaus chose her." 

"Don't fucking touch her, bitch!" Echo shouted as Greta held her wrist out to Jenna.

"Drink," Greta demanded.

"Jenna don't!" Elena begged.

Jenna backed away from Greta, eyeing the blood. "I can't..." The twins watched in horror as Jenna got closer to Greta's wrist. Jenna gave in and bit into Greta's wrist

After a second, Greta pulled her wrist away, causing Jenna to fall to the ground. She then raised another circle of fire, trapping Jenna inside like she did the twins.

"Jenna look at me," Elena whispered. Jenna slowly turned around, blood around her mouth. Her eyes red and veiny. "It's gonna be okay."

In the distance, they heard a scream of pain and twigs snapping, before they saw the witch that was going to do the sacrifice tonight, walk out with a woman that they've seen before — Jules. She was the werewolf.

"That's the werewolf." Elena realized, as they watched Greta shoves Jules to the ground, no emotion on her face.

"What's happening to me?" Jules groaned out.

"I cast a spell to slow down your transformation," Greta informed Jules as the werewolf groaned in pain. "Your insides are trying to tear themselves free." She stepped away, flicked her wrist, and a third ring of fire encircled Jules.

"Greta," Elena spoke up, "witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed—"

"My duty is to Klaus!" She shouted over Elena. "The new order."

"Glad to know I still have a dance partner," Klaus said as he arrived, his British accent prominent. His eyes averted over to the four of them, his lips curving into a twisted smirk. "Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?"

"I've got the Moonstone," Klaus stated as he pulled the said object out of his pocket. "I spent five hundred years looking for this. I hate to part with it." 

Klaus handed the Moonstone to Greta, who looked up at the sky and said, "The moon has passed its apex. You remember everything you need to do?" 

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