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shes a mess of a gorgeous choas, you can see it in her eyes

BONNIE barged into Echo's room and the girl in question turned around abruptly from where she was sitting on the floor, hundreds of papers spread all over the place

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

BONNIE barged into Echo's room and the girl in question turned around abruptly from where she was sitting on the floor, hundreds of papers spread all over the place. She had a red highlighter in her mouth, and a green and yellow on sitting by the paper she was currently looking at before the Bennett rudely interrupted her.

"What are you doing?"

"Thinking whether I should just shoot you or strangle you first," was the first automatic answer to flow from her lips. "What do you think I'm doing?" She rolled her eyes. "Also, have you ever heard of a knock?"

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "Elena is right, you have changed a lot."

Echo sighed and stood up from her spot on the floor. "What do you want?"

Echo had been a huge mess after finding out that Elena had gotten Damon to erase Jeremy's memories after the whole Vicki incident. She was angry, furious actually. Elena had no right to do that, especially without consent.

But, deep down, she knew she would probably make the same choice, just like Dean did with Lisa so many years ago. It's a hard choice, but sometimes the harder choices are the better ones.

"Elena said that you've been mopey all day. Are you okay?" Bonnie asked, trying to walk closer to the girl and to see what she was researching, but as quickly as possible, Echo scooped up all the papers, not caring if they were organized or not. "And what's all this?"

Echo cleared her throat and stuffed all the papers into a shoe box before turning to the Bennett. "None of your business," she spat before crossing her arms. "Why did you barge in here? Was there a reason?"

"Yes!" Bonnie exclaimed. "Come on!" Before Echo has time to react, the Bennett girl was dragging her into Elena's room.

Once they were in Elena's room, Echo jumped onto Elena's very comfy bed, grabbed a pillow, and hugged it to her chest. "So, what's up?"

Bonnie shut the window and grabbed one of Elena's pillows, tearing it open. "Hey!" Elena exclaimed as the twins watched the Bennett rip open a cute pillow.

"Now things are getting interesting," Echo joked, sitting up as Bonnie dumped all of the feathers out on the bed before sitting down.

"I need to swear you two to secrecy," Bonnie said which made the former Winchester wonder what the hell was going on.

"It's kind of a bad week for that stuff," Elena said with a sigh.

"Well, swear because I'm not supposed to be showing anyone this," Bonnie insisted.

Complicated ↠ Damon Salvatore [1]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat