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on a fundamental level, what the hell is wrong with you

"DO you think she hates us?" Elena asked Echo as they walked outside of the school grounds

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"DO you think she hates us?" Elena asked Echo as they walked outside of the school grounds.

"I don't know what to think," Echo said, shrugging.

"Bonnie!" Elena suddenly shouted, making Echo wince and then frown as she saw the Bennett witch.

"Hey," Bonnie said, not giving the girls a real smile, but a fake one.

"Bon, we missed you so much." Elena pulled her in a hug, and Bonnie quickly hugged her, and then pulled back. "Hey, I tried to grab you after class but you've already taken off. How are you? How's your family?"

Her lips were in a thin line. "We're dealing, it's been hard."

"Yeah, it was hard when our parents passed too, but you were there for us," Elena admitted, frowning. "You wouldn't let us be there for you."

Bonnie frowned. "It's hard to explain."

"There's nothing to explain, Bonnie. You're our best friend." Elena gave her a small smile. "Everyone here really missed you."

"Yeah, I just had so much to deal with after Gram's funeral and honestly, after you told me the tomb spell failed I just really didn't want to come back." She explained.

Before anything else could be said, a voice shouting, "Bonnie! Thank god you are here!" Caroline Forbes shoved past the twins, and embraced the witch in a hug, hugging her tightly.

Bonnie smiled, glad to see the blonde. Echo and Elena stood there silently, none of the girls saying anything.

"I know we talked everyday but I missed you," Caroline stated, smiling.

Echo furrowed her brows at those words and glanced at Elena who had a hurt expression on her face. She clenched her jaw and stared at the witch in anger.

"How are you doing?"

"Better. You know, glad to be back and trying to keep myself busy."

"Well, I can help you with that. Major wardrobe problem. You need to help me pick the perfect dress for the founder's court."

"The founder's court?" Echo asked. "Did we miss something?"

"The founder's court!" Caroline exclaimed. "You know, Miss Mystic Falls? They announced it today. Echo, Elena, we're all three on it.

"Oh, my god!" Elena exclaimed. "We signed up for this so long ago... I completely forgot."

"So, are you dropping out then?" Caroline asked, frowning.

"We can't," Elena stated.

"No?" Caroline questioned.

"They're mom is the one who wanted them both to do this."

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