Chapter Seven

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    Walking into the clubhouse the next day was a bit pensive. Everyone was sad about Donna, so no one was really talking or doing much like they'd normally do. I walked straight to the bar, getting a beer from HalfSac. Ronnie sat next to me, getting handed a beer as well.

"Isn't it a bit early to be drinking?" Tig questioned, causing me to shrug.

"It's not one of my rules." I replied, as he chuckled.

       Church was called not much later, after everyone had showed up at the Club House. Opie was a bit passive aggressive, so when we were told who killed his wife, he pretty much went off the deep end. He left the room, fuming and angry.

"This is the type of shit I was telling you about! These deals got our brother's old lady killed!" Jax exclaimed, as everyone else, except me, tried to get Jax to calm down.

"What do you want me to do about it?! I can't protect every girl in this damn family all by myself! Maybe you should start watching out for your family!" Clay barked back, causing me to sigh.

"I'm trying my hardest to protect this club, this family. Every one of your stupid ideas is going to get people killed. You better pay closer attention before one of our own members are next." Jax spat, causing Clay to raise his eyebrow and let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Who? Your sister? She's the only pair of tits in here. Maybe we should prospect her guy in there. Maybe he'd do a better job than you." Clay said, causing the room to fall silent.

     Clay stood up and grabbed a prospect kutte that he had seemed to have been keeping for this situation. As if he were going to prospect Ronnie either way.

"Wait! Clay! Don't do this!" I exclaimed, causing him to look at me with a smirk.

"Why? You think he's not man enough? Are you scared he'll be better than Jax? Are you scared to let him join? Too damn late, he's prospecting now." Clay spat, before he threw open the doors.

     I tried to run over to Ronnie, only for Tig to grab me and hold me apart from Ronnie. I was breathing heavy, trying to get away from Tig as fast as I could. Jax watched with pure hatrid and anger on his face. He stalked over to Tig and yanked me away from him, as we watched Clay walk up to Ronnie.

"Good news today boys! Ronnie, you've been sworn in! You're now prospecting! You've got a year to show us just how good you're going to be!" Clay exclaimed, as Ronnie stared at him shocked and confused.

"I-I didn't-" Ronnie began, before Clay cut him off.

"That's right, you didn't ask to prospect. See, here's the thing. When my VP and his sister get out of line, I got to show them just how rational I can be, especially when it comes to the safety of our families." Clay said, before giving Jax a mocking smile.

     Tig followed him outside, once he had walked away from Ronnie. As soon as everyone dispersed, I looked over at Jax and then ran to Ronnie. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know Clay was going to force you into prospecting. I'm sorry, Ronnie, I really am." I cried, as he hugged me tighter.

"It's okay, Hazel. Don't worry about it. We should've seen this coming. I promise to be careful if it's any consolation." Ronnie said, causing me to nod and sigh.

      I pulled away from him, looking back over at Jax. Jax stared at us intently, probably confused on my reaction. I looked back up at Ronnie, lazily wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my head on his chest.

"Just promise me you won't do anything to get you killed, and come to me if Clay or Tig start giving you a hard time. I'll take care of them." I pleaded, causing Ronnie to wrap his arms over my shoulders.

"I promise, Hazel. I really do. I'll be careful just for you." He said, as he kissed the top of my head.

"Let's just go home." I commented, causing him to nod.

     I held Ronnie's hand, as I brought him out to my car. I had started to only bring my bike on runs, using my car for the rest of the time. I allowed Ronnie to drive us home, as I stared out the window and thought about what had just happened earlier. Clay shouldn't have prospected Ronnie. I knew he was just being egotistical but he could possibly be ruining someone's life right now all because he wants to be alpha male. Our Hamlet story was playing out terribly. Yes Clay killed our father, making him the President. Jax can't kill Clay though because of Tig. If only our story had been as easy and well defined as Hamlet.

"I'm sorry things aren't going right lately." Ronnie said, causing me to sigh.

"Our lives are like one screwed up Shakespearean tragedy, Ronnie. You've got to roll with the punches." I replied, as Ronnie nodded slowly.

      We walked into the house, going straight to the living room and sitting down. I turned on the tv, seeing The Simpsons playing on the screen. It was almost ironic when they were doing their own version of Hamlet. I wanted to laugh at the irony and poke fun at their plot holes but I couldn't. This was mine and Jax's life, now Clay had forced Ronnie into it. If there were a way for me to get him out I would but I can't, so I'm having to deal with the consequences. If only life had gotten easier sooner down the road, maybe I wouldn't have to see this coming. Maybe Ronnie wouldn't prospect. Though there was always a good chance Ronnie and I would've never met and I don't know how that would've changed things, for better or worse...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. It's been way too long since I updated but I finally have a chapter published.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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