Chapter Six

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     The ride home was stressful to be completely honest. I couldn't believe everything Jax had said, but at least the ride helped me clear my head. I realized now that I probably shouldn't have freaked out on my mother and all of the club, but at that point in time I was really pissed off. Actually, I'm still really pissed off, but my head is clear.

"Hazel, you sure you're alright?" Ronnie asked, and I nodded.

"Honestly, I'm fine. I'm still pissed off at Jax, but the ride helped me clear my head." I replied, and he looked away for a moment.

"Is everything you said true? Does Jax really have a problem with me?" He asked, and I sighed.

"Ronnie, Jax has a problem with any guy that hangs around me. He's going through shit with Tara, Abel and Wendy, and all that's getting to his head. Clay is trying to beat shit into our heads, saying we're not fully focused on club shit right now like we need to be. I see where Jax is getting all this frustration from, but it doesn't make him right. He always takes his frustration and anger out on others, which fucks him over a lot of the time. Thing is, I don't see why he's decided to name you as a snitch, knowing you did your own time and never ratted once." I stated, and Ronnie bit his lip.

"Maybe he thinks I'm taking you away from him. I mean, think about it. I'm living with you, constantly at your side due to work, and you bring me everywhere you go because you don't want me to feel left out. Honestly, it makes it look like you're choosing a guy over your brother." He said, and I looked at him confused.

"That's not it though, and he knows that. Besides, you're not just some guy. You work for us, you're like my own personal prospect. He shouldn't see anything differently from the way it was before." I commented, and Ronnie shrugged.

        As he and I watched television, my phone began to ring. I pulled the phone out of my pocket, before begrudgingly answering the call.

M- Hello?

J- I know we're pissed at each other right now, but there's been an accident

M- What do you mean? What happened Jax?

J- Opie needs you, it's about Donna.

"What is it?" Ronnie asked, as I ended the call.

"I need to leave real quick. Something happened to Donna, and the club needs me. I should only be like an hour or so." I replied, and he nodded.

"I'll wait up for you." He said, and I smiled and nodded.

      I threw on my leather jacket and cut, before quickly making my way outside and to my bike. As fast as I could, I rode my way down the road until I found the police cars. I quickly parked and shut off my bike, pulled off my helmet, and ran over to the scene. I gasped and felt tears come to my eyes, as I seen Donna laid dead on the ground. Jax seen me, and his eyes held sorrow, knowing Donna was one of my long time friends, even though we didn't always see eye to eye. I walked slowly over towards Jax, before he pulled a sobbing Opie off of his dead wife. Jax wrapped his arms around Opie, as I looked down at Donna. Judging by her death, she had been shot in the back of the head. This seemed too coincidental, since Opie and Clay had been having problems. I quickly rid myself of the thoughts, as I pulled Opie into a hug once Jax let him go.

"I'm so so sorry, Op. I can't believe this happened to Donna." I said, as he cried on my shoulder.

"It was club retaliation. They were coming after me, but killed her. God, how am I going to go on without her? Raise the kids? Oh, Kenny and Ellie. How are they going to do without a mom?" He cried, and I held him tighter.

"We'll get your revenge, Op. You and the kids won't have to worry about having issues, I'll be here to help, as will Jax. Are you going to be alright to go home to them tonight, Opie? I can take them for the night if you need." I said, and he sighed and wiped away his tears.

"I've got them." He replied, and I nodded.

"I'll come get them at any time you need me to, just let me know." I stated, and he nodded.

      Soon he headed home, as Jax and I stood and watched him drive away. After he was gone, I felt my own tears fall. Jax wrapped his arms around me, as he kissed the side of my head. I quickly wiped away my tears, before clearing my throat and sighing.

"I'm going to go home and go to bed. I have a feeling Opie is going to need a lot of time and help with Kenny and Ellie." I stated, and Jax nodded.

"Be careful, I don't want you getting into an accident too." Jax replied, and I looked away.

       After saying goodbye, I mounted my bike and headed home. As soon as I got home, I turned off my bike and walked inside. Almost on cue, Ronnie walked over towards me and raised his eyebrow at me, asking if everything was okay. I nodded and whispered "I'm okay" and walked towards my room.

"Are you really okay?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"No." I answered, as I began to sob.

"What happened?" He asked, as he pulled me into him.

"Donna was killed tonight, and now Opie is crushed. There's a good chance I'll be keeping Kenny and Ellie for a while, probably after tonight. God, and it's all because of the club shit." I cried, as Ronnie tried to sooth me.

"It'll be okay. We'll get through this together, okay? I'll help you take care of Kenny and Ellie. You're not alone in this, Hazel, I'm here, okay? I'm here, you're going to be okay." He said, as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"You're something else, Ronnie. Thank you for being here for me." I replied, and he nodded.

"You were there for me when I needed someone, and I'll be here for you." He stated, and I slightly smiled.

      He smiled at me and held my hands in his, as I began to breath normal. I stared in his eyes, and felt myself become entranced by his eyes. They were so beautiful, and both of us began to lean in. Moments later our lips connected, and to be completely blunt, it was the best kiss of my life...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Their relationship will not go on very fast, it'll be gradual.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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