23: Crossing Over

Start from the beginning

Olivia shook her head. "You know the laws have changed. No one enters or exits without a visa, not even natives."

"I know," Luca said. "Consider it a personal favor I am asking you."

Olivia paused, taking a moment to mull over her thoughts before returning her piercing blue gaze to Luca. "It's your father's direct decree."

"It's a bullshit decree. There's no threat coming from the Mortal Realm, we need intrarealm border protection, not interrealm," Haruhi muttered.

"That will not change the fact that I will be in immense trouble if caught," Olivia said, rolling her eyes.

"You're a Fox, at most you'll get a slap on the wrist," Daniel said.

Her eyes turned to him, the corner of her lips quirked into a smile. "You care about this girl, Daniel?"

"I'm her mentor."

Olivia looked back to Luca, "I will do it on three conditions."

"Name them."

"One, you take full responsibility if we are caught."

"Done," Luca said.

"Two, you owe me a favor of my choosing when the time comes."


"Three," Olivia smiled, "Daniel takes me out to dinner tomorrow night."

"What?" Daniel frowned as all eyes turned to him.

"You heard me."

His eyes narrowed, but it did not deter the future duchess. He glanced at Gemma, eyes sunken in, shoulders drooping with exhaustion, leaning into Madison. The feisty spirit he had grown to adore was nowhere to be seen. She had not looked up once since Olivia arrived. Seeing her, it felt like someone had punched him the stomach.

He squared up to make a deal with the devil. "Top Tier, tomorrow at 7."

"The Establishment at 7," Olivia countered.



"Deal, now hurry up so we can all go to bed," Luca said.

Olivia walked to Gemma, "Can you show me on a map where to drop you off, give me instructions, describe your building, and show me pictures of your home?"

Gemma nodded, pulling out her holophone. Daniel grinded his teeth, holding his tongue despite wanting to stop her. She was lying, he could feel it. She was not planning to return. He spent the entire week praying for simpler times before she plagued his every thought. Now his wish was granted, and she would be gone from his life. Instead of relief, he felt bereft.

The thought of his old schedule of waking up, early morning training, followed by breakfast, classes, lunch, afternoon training, studying, dinner, evening training and going to bed to start it all over again was desperately hollow all of a sudden. He realized now, all too late, that she had become the highlight of his days this week. He woke up more eager to start each of his mornings and came home each evening in a far better mood- even Jared had noticed.

Madison held Gemma in a tight hug as Olivia began to search the realms for the exit portal.

"Beka and I will see you on Monday for lunch, okay?" Haruhi smiled.

Gemma nodded, but Daniel could tell that Haruhi shared his suspicions of this goodbye being far more final than they wanted. A familiar sound of tearing filled the room as the portal opened. He swallowed the lump in his throat and forced a smile as her gaze lingered on him for a brief moment before she stepped through the portal.

Daniel reached out in alarm as he heard her scream just as the portal closed. He looked to the group, none of whom was showing any concern. "You guys didn't hear that?"

"Hear what?" Haruhi frowned.

"Gemma, she was just screaming!" Daniel said, his voice rising with his anxiety. He turned to Olivia, who was giving him the strangest look. "Open the portal, I'm going after her."

"You can not cross."

"Open the portal," Daniel demanded, firmer this time

Olivia took a tentative step back, adamantly shaking her head. "You are not clear to cross, you will be detained."

Daniel could feel his blood pressure rising, the static in his head growing louder with the second. He turned as Haruhi reached out, gently placing her hand on his wrist. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "I heard her. I can always hear her."

Guilt flooded his chest. He should have heard her earlier, he should have stayed by her side. If he had not been so distracted, he could have intercepted Ian. He should have kept his distance and shielded her from the public eye. He should have been more responsible. His incompetence was what ultimately led to her return to home, and what put her in danger. Her scream was so agonizing it made the hairs on his neck stand even now.

"Can you hear her now?" Madison asked.

He shook his head. "Not since the portal closed."

"I'm clear to cross," Haruhi volunteered, turning to Olivia. "Open the portal."

Luca frowned, shaking his head. "You would be going blind. We do not know if there is a threat."

"Exactly," Haruhi said. "That's why one of us needs to get there now if something's wrong. She's basically defenseless and we're wasting time."

Olivia shrugged, making a skeptical face. "I think you guys are overreacting. I mean... it is the Mortal Realm. There are only so many things it could be." Olivia quickly put her hands up in defeat as she was faced with four pairs of glaring eyes, and Jared's confused ones.

"Let me through," Haruhi repeated again.

Luca shook his head. "I will go."

"Why?" Haruhi narrowed her eyes.

"Your father's Knight Marshall of Asia, not North America."

"I feel better about Luca crossing," Olivia nodded.

"That is because if I cross you can more easily pass the responsibility of misconduct to me."

"Exactly," Olivia said, giving him her best smile. She opened the portal and sarcastically motioned like a model on a game show. "Safe travels, your majesty."

Luca scoffed at her. "You are going to make a great adviser."

"Update us when you can on the situation," Daniel said, fighting to retain his composure despite the fact he could no longer hear Gemma on the opposite side of the portal.

"I will."

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