Hollow Tale:prologue

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Error PoV:

I was doing what I usually do in my free time after destroying another glitch au, hanging up with my threads lazily until a portal open to the anti-void and the rainbow ass step in from it, saying and fast talking about dimension it's code does not exist , before he try to cut my threads and grab my hand I clapped my hands to make him stop his nonsense and ask him" how in the name of toby there a dimension without a code?, how even did exist?, and wait why are you doing with coding it's my job you stupid rainbow ass" Ink look at me unimpressed and say " I was doing my job to watch the Au's and then from nowhere I sense a strange dimension and I had to tell you because it's your job" I look at him and I sigh knowing it's pointless with him so I open a portal to the dimension he talk about it when we go together it was pure white with only one person sitting in front a broken tv it was very creepy ink walk in front me he shouted " hey are you the sans of this au ? " the person turn his head to us he was half human half skeleton with his eyes hollow it scare me so hard that I attack him in accident but he disappear from before us and became behind me it was taller than Gsan he rise his hand it was human hand it was weird but Ink was screaming to get way from there it was a large gaster blaster behind me it shoot the largest beam I have ever seen.

Ink PoV:

I throw some dark ink to put a shield in front of Error the shield got destroyed from the beam but I pull Error and open a portal to get away but the portal didn't open I try again but it didn't open I heard a voice behind me with sad face " you shouldn't bother a dead soul " I got scared for no reason but my mind telling me to protect myself so I throw red ink to distract him while Error catch him with his threads but I got paralyzed and Error threads disappear before reaching him then I saw a gaster blaster enough to inflict some serious damage on us when he was about to shoot it at us the portal I was trying to open got open finally so I throw a yellow ink and he got blind by the ink so me and error got through the portal we were catching our breath when fresh got to the ant-void and see us like this he said with a smile " did you two make out outside your house? " Error give him a deadly look and I said to Error ignoring fresh " what we goanna do about that thing? " Error was having a hard time thinking I don't blame him we never met someone who can do insane damage on us other than reaper when Error say " we can ask reaper to kill it? " then I said " won't that effect the balance? " he looks at me and said " he isn't part of the balance when his dimension doesn't have a code " fresh asked while he was listening to us " what dimension? " I look at him to answer his question " we found a dimension that doesn't have code when we go there we found a strange thing I think he looked like human but in the same way not we try to Communication with him but Error attack him in surprise we try calm him but he was faster than us in combat and using his gaster so I try to open a portal but his dimension didn't let me open until we were in serious trouble so we run way and here we us now " fresh looked surprise that we were scared from someone Error looked annoyed by how I said we were scared from that thing fresh look at me and said " so u want a help from emo bruh? " Error answered " yeah he can kill him with his scythe or try to knock him out " I look amused by Error and his smart solution so me, Error and fresh because he found it interesting Error try to say no but I told him we have no time for they childish argument so we in front Geno house and Error knocked on the door and reaper answer it thank toby he say " what you want Geno outside buying some stuff? " I told him we want him, and he close the door leaving raven in charge " what do you need my help for? " Error answered " we want to knock out someone very strong and we try before you ask but he was very strong and hate to say it but he can use paralyses and can counter my threads and he's very fast " reaper looked surprise I don't blame him not everyday Error say there someone stronger than him but for our good reaper agreed so I told him our plan " ok so since he aware of us Error will try to hold with his threats and reaper will distract him by going forward at him while me I will support you with my ink and distract him a little are we agree to the plan? " all of them agreed while fresh said " what about me bruh? " I look at him and forgot he was there I told him " you can notify Geno when we in trouble to open a portal from outside how about that? " he agreed while annoyed

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