Chapter 28

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While the avengers were on their mission threw out time Danny watched the base. The halfa walked around then decided he could go see what happened to the world while he was in the ghost zone for 4 years. Turning intangible he took to the sky's flying at top speed the air hitting his face seeing a city he slowed down making him float in the air too see stones. Everyone looked in the sky to see the ghost boy land with a crown walking towards the stones seeing names.

He sighed seeing the words the vanished deciding to look at the names he went to the last name starting with f seeing his name Danny James Fenton.

Ghost boy stayed quiet till a little boy went up to him tugging his cape. "Where did you go?" Danny looked at the young kid then kneeled down seeing his parents watching them "well kid I was lost for awhile... didn't know what or who I was.. but I'm back now.." this made the kid hug the ghost.

Danny was shocked about that but slowly hugged him back. He let go getting up the took off to the sky flying back to base till he hears gun fire.

Knowing their might be trouble he flys to the sound to see some cop against a gang. The hero went invisible landing next to the cop. "Don't be alarm it Phantom." This made the cop jump from his skin behind his vehicle then looked around "where are you? You in my head?" This made Danny show himself then got up blasting ecto beams at the thugs then went to the sky.

The thugs kept shooting only for the bullets to faze the hero. "Stop this now or else." This only made the thugs to keep shooting making Danny sigh flying in front of them at top speed punching one then grabbing him by the throat.

The gun firing stop in fear to see the ghost boy skin blue and hair in flames. "Now you idiots are gonna die!" The halfa hissed showing fangs and a serpent like tongue. With see the thugs were put down only to be frozen in ice up to their shoulders. Danny smiles sinister like walking to one of them "and please man stop this please-."

Danny looked into their eyes hissing then overshadowed him messing with his mind then appeared again seeing the thug going insane. The others were knocked out making the halfa walk away his skin turning back to normal his hair cooling down he jumped and took off at sonic speed back to the avengers base.

Danny looked at the base smiling a bit thinking of the good old days ultron, etc till he went back inside to sit down at the controls seeing clock works time staff leaning next to it. He knew he was supposed to be watching them at the time bubble in the ghost zone but didn't want to go back yet maybe what's left of his humanity wanted to stay on earth for awhile.

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