Chapter 24

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If you haven't seen endgame I advise to not read this chapter cause now we're in the endgame now. You've been warned.


Danny and the remaining avengers regrouped at avengers HQ. Steve was with banner looking at the global count while the ghost boy was with rocket holding the time staff. Rocket saw the ghosts glowing aura slowly die out then two rings went threw his revealing Danny Fenton. "Hey kid don't worry your blue friend gonna be fine...groot and everyone gonna be back."

Bruce looked sighing "Cap I don't know how this is gonna affect Danny he lost so much.. what if he turns into-." Steve stops him "he won't turn into that. He has us were his family Bruce."

After snap Clint farm

Clint helps his daughter shoot arrows. "Guys dinners ready." This made the man smile "come on sweetie dinner ready for us." He turns around only to see some dust in the wind. "Kate?" This made him scream her name more then turned around and didn't see his wife or boys.

Avengers base

The halfa walked threw the halls flashes of everyone he lost showed up in his mind. Danny clenched his fists seeing his reflection punching it over and over till his knuckles bleed. Natasha saw Danny running towards him grabbing him "Danny stop. Stop." The ghost kid cried making her hold him. "Danny it's not your fault or anyone's fault." The building started to shake making everyone go outside too see Captain marvel holding a ship landing.

Danny had tears in his eyes seeing stark and some weird alien beside him. Tony looked at everyone "before you do anything-." Dan steps out of the ship floating everyone got indefense mode but Danny felt heat all over his body. "YOU!!" Danny went ghost flying at dan punching him in the face making the ghost hit into the ground. Dan wipes ectoplasm from his face smiling he got up. The ghost boy flew at him till dan grabbed him by the throat. "Listen Daniel I don't have time for this I could rip your human half out right now and slaughter you."

This made Tony's eyes widen about to activate his suit. "But I'm not the enemy here. Thanos is. Sure blame everything on me or plasmius i don't care. Clockwork keeping a eye on me anyways." This made Danny punch him in the face "maybe Thanos is the enemy but you. I can't trust you not once you slaughtered our family and friends!!!" His ghostly wail was let out making dan fight the waves.

Dan smirked softly releasing his ghostly wail the avengers were sent back from the force. Cap gets up about to run to Danny Till he see's something Danny in his human form crying and dan hugging him.

2 hours later

Tony looked at everyone in a wheelchair. "Thanos did it he won!. He took the kid." The man slammed his fists on the table then looked at Steve "we lost cause of you. Where were you when I needed you." Then he looked at Thor seeing him pissed of in the room next door. While tony flipped out he fell to the ground they sent tony to the med bay. "I gave him some Meds he will be out cold for a day." Steve nods softly walking out too see dan leaning on a wall. "I don't get why your here." This made the old ghost smile "ask the time ghost oh wait he's dead."

Cap was gonna say something till Natasha grabbed his arm looking at him. They left to go to a room to see Danny sleeping. "Poor kid.. I don't believe or can believe what stark said dan helped them or tried. What's his point." Natasha sat on the bed playing with Danny's hair "I don't know Steve. What's with that though I know it was Clockwork's but what does it do?" Steve looks at the clock staff on the other side of the room.

"I don't know we could ask Danny or 'Him' but let's Danny rest." They leave the room only for Danny's aura to glow a tint of orange.

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