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Izzy peered off the decaying boardwalk. The docked ferry boats had stopped running for the night.  The place was deserted. She read an old wooden sign, "It is unlawful for any persons to be out after dark."

"Oh grandpa where are you?" Izzy asked herself trying not to fall apart. Since leaving The Towering Hills Apartments all of the spectacular happening danced in her mind. Determined not to drown in a cycle of unbelief she decisively babbled, "King Rophe I've appreciated your help up to this point, more than you know... well maybe not more than you know... but you get my point--I appreciate it a lot. The peaches, Lonely, even Leon have all been gifts from you. Now if you can grant me one more thing..." She waited.


"Maybe you didn't hear me but..."

"I hear all," the invisible author spoke.

"Of course," Izzy looked around. "Where are you?"

"Everywhere," the King's voice answered.

"Yes so Lonely said," Izzy agreed. "But what do I do now?"

"Speak to the water,"  the Author spoke.

"The water? You want me to talk to water?" Izzy asked, not meaning any disrespect.

"YES..." the voice boomed. The King of Everything replied with complete authority.

Remembering what Lonely told her, 'Everything talks' Izzy approached the very end of the dock.

"Um... hello Atlantic ocean... how are you this evening? What a silly question...you're the ocean. My name's Izzy Quest and I think you've got my grandfather out there somewhere and I'd like him back please."

"Now get in the water," the voice commanded.

"Why?" Izzy wasn't a good swimmer and the ocean terrified her.

"Trust is not asking why," the King replied. "Do you trust me Izzy?"

When the King said Izzy's name she shuddered and answered, "I suppose..."

The Author's voice reverberated though her. "Get into the water; and tell it what you want."

"But there's creepy things in there... jellyfish and crabs..." Izzy protested.


"Of course..." Izzy took off her checkered socks rolled up her jeans and tiptoed into the surf. It was freezing!

Once she was knee deep and shivering the King repeated himself, "Tell the water what you desire."

"Yes..." Izzy reminded herself, "Everything talks." With chattering teeth she cleared her throat and projected her voice, (due to seas lacking ears?) "I need you to bring me to my grandfather." With her request came a strong under current. It knocked her down and propelled her forward, like a speedboat, for miles. "I see a person floating!" The current pulled her further out to sea. She had spotted a man; but it was not her grandfather. What she had came upon was the upper body of deceased passenger that a shark had tired of eating. "Oh no!" Izzy was petrified it may be Alfred. In the distance, she heard someone else yelling faintly. At first, she wondered if it may be the King's fading voice but as she sped closer, she saw that it was indeed her grandfather.

"Help us please!" Alfred looked up to see Izzy surfing towards him, without a board and in the opposite direction of the waves. "Izzy!" His newly restored faith made him not question her new ability.

The current paused. Izzy hovered.

"Izzy I'd like you to meet--," Alfred introduced his friend.  "Dave?"  Dave was gone. The only thing remaining was his floating prosthetic leg bobbing up and down on top of the choppy waters. Alfred began frantically diving under the water. When he came up for air he pleaded, "Izzy please help me find Dave."

Izzy knew her limitations but she had a feeling the King had none. In trust, she told the water. "Bring up the man." The water churned beneath her creating suction. In order to avoid the water funnel sucking her down, Izzy lunged towards her grandfather and clung to his neck. After turning in one direction, the whirlpool rotated and began to swirl the opposite way causing Dave to pop up out of the deep.

Dave swung his arms violently in the air and gasped for breath. Once he choked up enough water he sputtered, "What... was... that?" He grasped his leg-float.

"The unthinkable, ready for another?" Izzy said. "Water kindly take us back to shore...oh and if you wouldn't mind warm up a bit would you? "

The water obliged and gently placed he threesome on the sand; and it retreated into the natural tide.

Dave, stunned and shivering, lay in the line of foamy waves still clutching his leg.

A flashlight pierced the darkness.  Its light danced around the shoreline searching out its prey.  Landing on Dave's heart the beam of light stopped; and the circle gradually grew larger. Dave whispered, "You two get out of here."

Alfred objected, "No, we're not leaving you behind."
"You don't have a choice. They've spotted me. Run." Dave scrambled to reattach his leg as well as his dignity.

Izzy grabbed her grandfather by the arm. "Grandpa come on. Remember Bell... There's nothing more we can do here." She tugged at him and reluctantly he followed behind her.

Alfred glanced back at his friend and whispered, "The words of the King are right and true..."

Dave mouthed back, "He is faithful in all he does." Dave watched his new friends run off into the black night as two military police officers, and a fierce German Shepherd, came into view.

"What have we here?" asked the first officer holding back the snarling dog on the stiff leash.

"Looks like we have a swimmer," taunted the second officer.

"Hey boy," the dog handler spoke as he unleashed the animal.  "You wanna chew toy?" The officer bent down, ripped Dave's artificial leg off, and threw it five yards. The dog took off after it and began chewing it like a piece of rawhide.

"Now what are we gonna do with the rest of you?" the second officer bent down to have a closer look at Dave. "Do you have any other parts that snap off?" Dave merely stared at the man, not giving him the satisfaction. "No matter... Champ here, can tear you apart limb from limb. He prefers real flesh to plastic any day."

"Champ give," Officer Dog Handler ordered. The dog obeyed releasing the chew toy to his master. The officer took the leg and threw it at Dave striking him in the face. Blood trickled from his mouth.  Circling Dave the officer provoked, "Do you know what we do with escapees?"

"But I haven't escaped," Dave challenged. "I've only managed not to drown."

"But it was your job to drown," the officer taunted. "And since you have failed your job..." The officer pointed his pistol at Dave's heart and said,  "You're fired."  Then he pulled the trigger.

Alfred heard the shot in the distance and his heart stopped. He turned around in an attempt to rescue his friend. Izzy blocked him with her slight frame. "It's too late grandpa. But it's not too late for Bell... We must hurry."

"You are right but..." Alfred protested but only for a moment. His granddaughters needed him.

Izzy and Alfred ran in the dim moonlight on the side of the road. It was obvious to Alfred he was holding back his granddaughter. She could easily make it home in half the time if she were alone. However, he felt it was near. The Shadow of Deception was lurking not far off in the darkness. Alfred had always hoped  SOD was a myth but in his heart of hearts, he knew better. Nothing in The Book was a myth—not the good or the evil.

Silvery clouds glided in front of the moon as two red, beady eyes materialized.

-End of Chapter 19-

Author's note: I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Please vote, comment, follow and add The Wasting  to your library. If you've got a book you'd like me to check out—I'd be delighted. (Comment your title here!$

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