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"This is stupid, stupid, stupid..." Izzy said to herself as she made her way out of the city. "My sister's dying, Tommy Thompson the wonder boy is babysitting and I'm searching for an old man who is searching for an even older book. Stupid, stupid, stupid..." Izzy stomped her feet with each "stupid" word. "If the Flesh Eaters" don't digest me my mother's gonna kill me when and if I ever get home." Simply because needed to repeat herself, she added one more, "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" With her last stomp, she landed her foot in puddle, muddying her new blue shoes. In her frustration, she growled and yelled up to the unknown heavens, "This day couldn't get any worse now could it?" As on cue it rained.

Almost mockingly, she flung her arms in the air continued ranting, "Hey King Rophe is it? Well... supposedly my grandfather knows you... What're you like some sort of invisible author or something? We're not allowed to believe in spirits good or bad, well unless it is the spirit of good old Aunt Sam the defender of the weak--ha! I heard once there was this Uncle Sam who pointed his finger at you saying he wanted you--or rather, the army did. Now they just take you."

Continuing to walk in the rain, she huddled as if the act of making herself smaller would make her less wet. Bored with her own company she continued to converse with the king, "Hey you still up there, or over there? For all I know you could be laying in a puddle. What a silly sight--a great king lying in a puddle! Well since my sister Bell has always been the most sensible person I know and grandpa Alfred is true blue I'd venture to say you must be real so I'm going to decide to believe in you... Well unless someone wiser convinces me otherwise--and no one on this big round plague infested planet is wiser than my grandpa! According to Bell he is convinced you are," whispers, "the Author of Authors..."

Shouting, "Hey what am I whispering for? There isn't a soul around for miles! Hey you rats! Hey you Flesh Eaters! King Rophe is the one! Hey new stupid New Regime I dare you come and throw me in Unity Camp! Unity... What a funny way to explain good old fashioned brainwashing." Reciting the commercial she'd constantly hear blaring in midtown, "Unity Camp, For children ages 12 to 17."

As quickly as the rain started it stopped and the early March sun began to heat up Izzy's spirit as well as her clothes. Although she'd been walk-running for nearly 11 miles she was not the least bit tired; she was getting hungry however. She patted her yellow windbreaker pocket to see if there was any bread left but found only crumbs.

Suddenly she was overwhelmed with a presence of something bigger than herself. It was not simply a verb or a noun it was both. It was a belief in something she could not see, hear or touch... After being sure of what she hoped for and certain of what she did not see, she was compelled to look down. She was amazed to see a can of sliced peaches on the ground and lying next to it was a can opener. Oh happy day! Izzy sat right down on the wet pavement and thanked her new invisible companion for this timely gift. Then she opened the can, put the can opener in her pocket (just in case...) and greedily ate and drank its contents. Peaches are my favorite! Then she skipped, jogged and ran the rest of the way to Woodsburgh never seeing another human along the way. Where have all the people gone?

"Leon hold up..." Alfred panted like a worn out dog. "Tell me once again why we didn't go back for your bicycle?" He stopped, placing his hands on his knees and breathed slowly.

Leon did not seem to notice his new pal needed a break. Finally, when he was a hundred yards ahead Leon realized the absence of his mature companion and turned around.

"Hey Mr. Alfred what are you doing way back there?" Leon was enjoying this.

"Well... Mr. Leon..." Alfred caught his breath, "In case you haven't noticed I have at least 45 years on you."

"You want a piggyback ride?" Leon laughed. "We are almost at the docks."

Alfred would enjoy a lift but his pride would never allow it. "No-thank-you."

Leon looked nervously behind. He asked Alfred, "Do you think we were followed?"

Now it was Alfred's turn to carry his new friend (who suddenly appeared as a boy and not the man in charge.)  "No son, the officers were too busy torching the store to have noticed us. We'd better get moving if we are to save your grandmother."

Several miles later Alfred and Leon approached the docks. They saw the usual hustle and bustle of travelers and merchants only something was different. It was the age of the passengers. Every one of them appeared to be over sixty years old and by their ghostly faces it was evident they would not be taking a pleasure cruise. The oddest thing of all was none of the future passengers had any luggage with them--not even a purse!

Looking desperately for Marina, Leon scanned the crowd. Alfred tried to assist in the search only he hadn't seen his dear friend since High School graduation. They ducked in and out of the lines being careful to never be spotted by the power hungry officers sporting the black clipboards.

Finally, Leon spotted her. "There she is!" Leon exclaimed.

Alfred searched, "Where? Which one is she?"

"See the thin woman with the cropped silver hair--looking annoyed?"

"You mean the attractive one with her arms crossed, tapping her foot?" Alfred asked.

Leon sucked in in breath, "Yep... Ooh Nana looks maa-ad."

-End of Chapter 12-

Author's note: I hope you're enjoying the story so far! Please vote, comment, follow and add The Wasting to your library. If you've got a book you'd like me to check out—I'd be delighted.

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