I hate this town

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Day two of my continuous misery known as school.

Yesterday went fine, I learned things. Not really "school" things, but I learned that Gerard's an ass and I should never be friends with anyone like him.

I also learned that Mikey's a really cool guy and we exchanged phone numbers, not in that way though. No, all I could see Mikey as, is a close friend, like a brother, not a lover. However, if Mikey's like a brother to me, does that mean I have to hang around Gerard? I fuckin hate him. I despise Gerard Way.

I learned that Frank is also a potential brother candidate. He's really nice, he's a protective one but nice, and he plays guitar, something we have in common. Maybe we could jam together someday! That'd be awesome because I've never really played guitar with other people before, no one ever wanted to.

Ray's a dad. He's just a gentle bean. He watches over the group like an angel. He's our guardian angel. Ray also has a really cool fro so that's sweet.

Bob's... well, Bob's Bob, there really aren't many words to describe Bob besides Bob.

I had arrived at the school. Grabbing my oversized, black zip-up from the back seat and pulling it over my shoulders, I found my way to the lobby where Gerard said he would meet me. Sure enough, him and Frank were there. Wondering why Frank was there, I asked him.

"I wanted to make sure you didn't kill him. Plus, my class is close to yours and I have you in second period." He stated. I hadn't noticed him in second period yesterday, maybe that's because I wasn't looking for him, after all, I didn't know him yet.

"Oh, I hadn't noticed you. Cool though, now I have someone to sit with." I said.

"Lonely ass." Gerard muttered

I just rolled my eyes. Maybe if I ignore it, it will go away. Treat him like a bee.

The three of us walked to Gerard and I's first period together, Frank saying he would see me in second period.

I sat through music, learning the history of Beethoven. I thought that we would get some hands on stuff with playing the music sooner than this but the teacher says we have to learn where the music comes from before we begin playing. Lies! If she's not lying, I'm doing things wrong then because one day I just picked up a guitar and played it, of course it was terrible, but I played it.

It was time for second period and Frank, accompanied by Gerard, walked me to class.

He led me to his seat and told me to sit down in the seat next to him. I did, wondering slightly if this was someone else's seat and Frank was setting me up to be murdered.

As if reading my mind, Frank said that no one sits here so I won't have to worry about anything.

The lesson commenced and to be honest, I didn't pay attention to any of it, Frank and I were too busy having our own conversation to worry about math.

The next two periods went by slowly, as I had no one to talk to. I realized that Gerard has art with me, same as music, but I'd rather not converse with him. He's an asshat, remember? I don't socialize with asshats. Plus, in music he sits across the room from me and I like it that way, we can continue the trend.

After class, Gerard and I began our silent walk to the cafeteria to meet up with the guys. It was all fine until the jock from yesterday confronted us- well more me.

"Hey whore! Did you think about that offer?" He asked and smirked.

"Fuck no." I said and crossed my arms. "Why would I, you're a bitch."

I glanced at Gerard, he was giving me a death stare, I shot back a confused look.

"Just get the hell away Bryan." Gerard said, sounding exhausted.

Has he dealt with this "Bryan" before? Is he mad at me, not that I care, I just want to know.

"Shut the hell up, Retard." Bryan scoffed. "This doesn't concern you."

Gerard was now pissed off and looked as though he was going to rip Bryan's head off.

I love how this asshole is only concerned when the situation affects him. Like, he wasn't upset when Bryan called me a whore.

"Keep your dick in your pants. Why do have beef against her?" Gerard asked, calmer now. Does he actually, slightly, care?

"Hey, I said shut up!" Bryan snapped.

"What if I want you to shut up?" I asked Bryan smartly.

At this point, Bryan was fuming.

All I know is that, I felt something sharp against my cheek and then I hit the ground. I heard some grunting but I had no idea what was going on due to the pain.

"Emersyn... are you all right?" A voice, whom I recognized as Frank's, asked me as he laid a hand on my shoulder.

"My face hurts." I groaned.

I will admit, I'm slightly curious as to where Gerard had gone off to but I am not concerned and I'm not gonna ask Frank.

"He's dealing with... he's dealing with something right now." Frank said and smiled slightly.

How in the hell does he know what I'm thinking when I'm thinking it. I didn't want to know, Frank! I don't care! However, I would like to know if he's beating up Bryan. That asshole deserves it, more than Gerard which is quite impressive, I know.

Frank helped me off the ground and led me to the nurse to get an ice pack. "So much for an easy second day, huh?" Frank asked and chuckled.

"Yeah, I know, it's great." I muttered as he opened the door to the nurse's station.

"Oh, hi Frank." Said the nurse when she saw him walk in the door. I guess they're here a lot. "Hi Dr. Alex. My friend got hurt. Her name's Emersyn."  The nurse glanced at me and immediately started poking at my face. "Mmm that's impressive." She remarked at she pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose. "Thanks?" I half asked, half said.

The nurse scrambled off to get me an ice pack and Frank had me sit down on one of the chairs, offering me some of his water.

"What the fuck? STD's!" I hissed and pushed his water bottle into his chest, smiling. It hurt.

He just chuckled and downed the bottle in one swig.

A moment later, the nurse came back with a bag of ice, wrapped in a paper towel and told me that I should probably go home. I agreed and she told me to have a nice week, that's fucked already ma'am.

Suddenly, a bruised and loopy Bryan walked into the nurse's office. My eyes widened, did Gerard do that?

Frank led me out of the nurse's station, where Gerard was waiting. He informed Gee that the nurse said I should go home and Frank said that he could drive me home and wait there till my dad got home "for safety reasons".

Frank and I walked to my car after we signed out in the office and I handed him the keys.

"Please don't abduct me." I said to Frank and pressed my bruise against the cold window. "Yeah, okay, Em." Frank said.

I shot up at him using my nickname. He glanced at me, unsure if I was gonna kill him or thank him.

"No one's called me that besides my dad." I said. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" He started, nervous and apologetic. "No, I like it." I said and laid my head back against the window, smiling slightly. That once again hurt.

The Art of Sass - Gerard WayWhere stories live. Discover now