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i looked at clock that sat on the nightstand in my temporary room.

5:57 PM

harry and his mother were supposed to arrive any minute and i was insanely nervous. i had no idea why. i barely knew this man. hell, i barely knew my grandmother and here i was, trying to impress all of them. but something about harry was getting to me.

i had been going back and forth in my head on how i should dress. fancy? no, we're just eating in the apartment. casual? no, i don't want to look like i don't care. in between? i guess that's the best option.

i decided on a nice pair of black jeans and a red blouse. after all, i really didn't need to impress anyone. i made my way into the kitchen and whatever my grandmother was cooking smelled amazing.

"hello lovely! i'm almost done with the fish, and i just started the vegetables. they should be done soon, and we should hear the styles' knocking on our door any minute." she smiled, looking up from the pan she was attending to.

i flashed her a simple smile back and nodded my head, walking over to the glass door that led to the balcony.

"do you mind if i get some fresh air for a minute?" i turned my ahead around to look at her and she nodded.

"of course darling, i'll let you know when our guests arrive."

i unlocked the door and stepped outside, closing it shut behind me. i closed my eyes and took a deep breath, breathing in the fresh air. i took in the sounds around me. children playing in the park, dogs barking in the distance.

in all honestly, the trip to london was already so overwhelming. i had went eighteen years without knowing my real family. i didn't even know i had family. flying to a foreign country to meet someone you're related to that you've never met is stressful enough on its own.

i almost didn't notice the presence behind me until i felt the warmth of a body and the sound of breathing. i quickly turned around.

of course. it was him.

"what the fuck harry! you scared the shit out of me!"

he laughed and threw his hands up, moving to lean against the rails. he gripped onto them with his hands, and i noticed the rings on his fingers that i hadn't noticed before. "i'm sorry love, i didn't want to disrupt whatever deep thoughts your brain was getting into just now."

he gave me a cheeky smile and i rolled my eyes. "next time, give me some warning that you're standing there. it's a little creepy."

he nodded his head.

"will do. come inside so you can meet my mum. i think jessica and her have already gotten into the bottle of wine we brought over." he chuckled.

i was lost in my thoughts again as i looked out into the distance. he put his hand on my shoulder and i flinched.

"hey, relax. i know this is probably overwhelming.. meeting all these people you've never met. but your grandmother is really excited about getting to know you. and frankly, so am i."

i sighed, trying to ignore the last part of his sentence. he gestured towards the door and i nodded.

"alright, let's go inside."

i followed him inside and we made our way into the kitchen where a woman who looked exactly like harry was holding a glass of wine, laughing with my grandmother.

"anna, darling! this is anne. harry's mother."

the woman set down her glass and made her way over to me quickly. too quickly. before i had time to realize what she was going to do, she threw her arms around me in a hug and squeezed tight. "anna! i'm so delighted to finally meet you! i've only seen pictures of you when you were younger, but you're beautiful! i'm so glad you decided to come to london."

coffee; harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now