The return of the Lightning Dragon God

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2000 years later

"Alright my cute little servant do your thing," said Rias as she cooed Kiba.

"President has placed her trust in me and I'm not going to let her down. Has a!" Exclaimed Kiba as he used swordbirth to cut through the stray devil disintegrating her to dust.

"That was good swords play Kiba. Keep it up," complemented Rias.

"Thank you boucho yo- woah?!" Exclaimed Kiba.

"Kiba what is it?" Asked Rias and Akeno simontaneously.

"Look at the moon," pointed out Kiba.

"So pretty and blue. How can that be?" Asked Kenoko breaking out of her stoic expression.

In Hell.

Zeuticus Pov
Sirzechs, Grayfia and I were talking when all of a sudden the moon turned an electric blue.
'his back' I thought subconsciously shaking.

"Lord Gremory is something wrong?" Asked my head maid/daughter in law.

"Father what's wrong. A blue moon is unusual but surely there's nothing wrong." Said Sirzechs.

"That's where your wrong Sirzechs," said my wife as she walked in. Must have seen it too.

"Son theirs something we must tell you that only people that fought the Great War knew," said Zeuticus seriously.

"I studied every detail about the Great War father. You can't tell me any thing I didn't know," bragged Sirzechs puffing out his chest playfully.

"Azazel was the only Original Faction Leader left," said Vanelena out of the blue.

"What?" Asked Sirzechs and Grayfia completely shocked.

"About two thousand years ago the Great War ceased and a temporary peace treaty was signed," began Zeuticus.

"Because the faction members decreased by 85%. We know," deadpanned Sirzechs.

"Listen to your father. You may be the current Devil King Lucifer but I'm still your mother got that?" Asked Vanelena emitting a scary aura.

"Yes mom," replied the scared devil king.

"As I was saying," said Zeuticus shakily as he was affected by the scary aura of the woman too.
"A temporary peace treaty was signed by because of something."

"Who was it?" Asked Sirzechs as all signs of playing seemed to vanish from him.

"It was a Lightning Dragon God with powers that rivaled Grea Red himself. His aura alone killed The Original Devil Kings, God and The two Heavenly Dragons. He made a promise to return 2000 years from now(Great War)-"

In Heaven

"-On a blue moon," said Michael as he finish telling Gabriel what happened.

"You mean his that powerful?" Asked Gabriel.

"The only person in the recorded supernatural history to rival his power is Great Red himself," explain Michael.

"So in other case do piss him off since we're already on his shitlist," summerized Gabriel.


In Hell

"A strong opponent. Just hearing about him send shivers up my spine," said Vali.

"That my spine you fool," shouted Albion. " He beat me at his weakest I kept trying to divide his lightning but then again. When you divide infinity by 2 you get-"

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