On his nose rests the thickest glasses that Eddie had ever seen. But underneath the glasses are two chocolate eyes that seemed to take Eddie's breath away. It's all so dramatic. Eddie doesn't know what to do. He's never been in a situation where all he could focus on were lips and hair and-...

"Damn, dude. You took a pretty hard fall." Beverly pulls all three boys out of their trance.

Eddie situates his fanny pack before lowering to the ground wearily. It is absolutely filthy, but somehow that doesn't matter as much anymore. So he gracefully crosses his legs and falls to the ground. Richie eyes him, unsure of what to do. Should he stay put? Stand and walk away?

Instead, Richie stays. He's too busy counting the freckles on the small stranger's face. Though he's not really a stranger, Richie supposes. This is Eddie
Kaspbrak. The friendliest boy in the world. And he is currently sat right in front of them. Right in front of me, Richie's eyes go wide at the thought. He wants to run, but his feet simply won't allow it. Richie feels screwed.

"You should never rub the wound. All it does is spread the blood. Plus you could get an infection which is so not worth it. And if you do want to touch it, for whatever reason. Then at least dab it." Eddie shudders while taking out a few cotton swabs and the tiniest bottle of rubbing alcohol.

Richie tries to keep up with the boy. He never knew how fast he could talk. The boy is on hyper speed. It shocks him to say the least. Eddie was always quiet in class. But now here he sits, rushing out all this information. And Richie is even more screwed.

"Is your lip the only spot that's hurt?" Eddie questions. He receives no verbal answer and instead is given an elbow for inspection. Eddie groans at the sight. "You should really wear protection. If you had on protection, none of this would've happened-..." He's cut off by a smiling Richie.

"But then I wouldn't have officially met you, Kaspbrak."

Eddie's surprised expression seems to stick on his face. He can't even help the blush that overtakes him in a matter of seconds. "Is that the only reason you fell? To get my attention? Because your grind seemed stable to me." He shrugs and dabs away at his cut lip. Richie winces slightly, but soon is back to that strong exterior.

Richie only grins wider while throwing up his hands. "You caught me. Though now I'm excited to hear you were watching me so closely."

Eddie scoffs, still working at the boy's lip. "Please! I was simply admiring your technique. Don't flatter yourself, Tozier."

Richie is taken back by this. He had no idea anyone knew his name. So the fact that this firecracker does makes his entire day. Hell, it makes his entire life. Eddie Kaspbrak knows me. Richie is all too giddy about this information. "You know who I am?" He curses himself for how desperate it comes out.

Eddie pulls away slightly to get a better look at him. Their eyes connect. Richie notices Eddie's soft expression and smile. "Of course. Everyone knows who you are, Richie. You're the funniest guy in our school."

It's Richie's turn to blush now. He tries to cover it with a cough, but Eddie knows better than that. Still, he doesn't say anything about it. "I didn't know anyone noticed me."

Eddie doesn't pull away from the lip this time, but Richie still spots the surprised look on Eddie's face. Richie smiles to himself.

Soon Eddie moves on from the lip, leaving both of them slightly upset. They'll never admit that, though. But it is true. They were both far too comfortable with the closeness of it all.

"You really should wear protection. That's a nasty scrape." Eddie is now working wonders on the lanky boy's elbow.

The two boys are alone now. Beverly and Richie's friend have taken off without a word. Eddie can spot them. They seem to be hitting it off, which makes Eddie smile.

"Your friend-..." Eddie starts, realizing he's not quite sure of the name. Luckily Richie comes to the rescue.


"Ben and Bev seem to be hitting it off."

Richie laughs and Eddie is grateful that he's able to hear such a sound. "No shit? He's been pining after her since eighth grade." Richie takes it among himself to turn and get a good look at the duo.

Eddie smiles at this. Perhaps he shouldn't tell his best friend. It's not really any of her concern.

"So, Tozier. I've been going to school with you for four years and even have you in a few classes. Yet we never talk. Care to explain?"

Richie looks up at him and his hair gently sways. Then he shrugs. "You're kind of intimidating."

Eddie lets out a giggle at this. "You're joking."

Richie shakes his head, a smile still prominent on his face. "Not at all. You're so quiet and confident and nice. Everyone loves you. Plus you have that posse of jocks always parading around you. It's kind of hard to get a conversation started when your gang is threatening everyone in your way."

Eddie finishes up by putting a pink and blue cupcake band aid over the wound. "They mean well. They're scared Bowers is going to try and beat me to a pulp if they leave me alone for too long."

Richie nods. He understands. "I know. I still remember when they took you in."

Eddie sits up and focuses his gaze on Richie once again. "Really?"

The boy smiles and once again a blush is spreading across his cheeks. "Y-yeah. I noticed you immediately. It was hard not to. You were wearing these red shorts and striped shirt. Two band aides. One on each knee. And you had that damn fanny pack. You were so unique. I could hardly take my eyes off you."

Eddie looks away with another smile. "Most people looked away."

"They were scared of you." Richie tells him.


"Because they had never seen someone so confident and angelic before you walked in the room. Their lack of confidence gave in." He says it so nonchalantly.

"How come you looked?" Eddie can't help but to ask.

"You gave me confidence." It's a simple answer, but Eddie takes it. Even if he's not quite sure what it means.

Beverly and Ben are walking back now. Each have numbers written across their hands. That's when Eddie spots a pen in Ben's hand. He eyes it, gaining an idea. "May I borrow that?" The small boy questions. Ben doesn't say a word and instead holds it out.

Eddie quickly scrawls numbers onto Richie's hand before standing. Now he holds out his own hand, which Richie gladly takes. Now the two are stood side by side, hand in hand. They stay like this for only a few seconds, but even after they've pulled away the feeling lingers.

"You should definitely call me. Maybe we can even go skating together. Or not. It doesn't really matter I just thought maybe-..." Eddie rambles on and on, smoothing down his navy shorts. He tends to do that in awkward situations.

"Of course I'll call you." Richie speaks quickly and quietly.

It's quiet now. Ben and Beverly watch the two, obviously amused. However, Eddie and Richie are completely oblivious.

"Okay." Eddie nods. Finally he's able to tear his eyes away. Over his shoulder he spots Beverly. "Okay," the boy repeats, "I should probably head home. I promised my mom I'd be home for lunch."

Richie nods along, listening to every word. "Okay yeah. Cool. I'll see you around?"

Eddie smiles before tiptoeing. He rests his hands gently on Richie's right shoulder before leaning in to peck his cheek. "Of course." He turns around now, leaving a stunned Richie Tozier.

Eddie grabs Beverly's hand and pulls her along. Right before they leave the park once and for all, Eddie turns to look at the boy one more time. "Wear protection! At least a helmet!"

Richie stands with his hand lingering over the place Eddie's lips had once touched his cheek. Ben notices and begins to snicker. This pulls the tall boy out of his trance. He smacks Ben playfully before picking up his board. "Oh shut it. Like you were any better!"

Ben blushes at this. "It's funny, right? We both just got the numbers of who we've been pining over since we first saw them."

They both stare towards the exit, unable to comprehend what just happened.

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