The First Meeting

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Rebekah Marie Reynolds, that would be me. I'm a 23 year old barista, I live in Charlotte, North Carolina and I've never been in love. What few friends I have are engaged and having children, and all I do is work. I'm 5'4 and lean, I have long, thick, dark and curly hair, my skin is a little too pale for my liking, and I have light freckles scattered across my body. I have a sister who's 21 and two brother's who are 18. My mother's my best friend and my rock. I didn't plan on bumping into him that day, I didn't plan on looking into his piercing blue eyes, and I definitely didn't plan to fall head over heels in love with Sean Kelly. P.S. Did I mention I'm still a virgin.

2 months Earlier

I was just walking into the cafe for my shift when I felt my purse vibrating. Buzzzz! Buzzzz! Buzzzz! I looked at the screen and seen it was my mother I answered before the fourth buzz could even finish.

"Hey mom what's up?" I said into the phone. "Darling I've been trying to call you all day, I have something important to tell you." "Michael asked me to marry him, isn't that great I really see this marriage working. I'm so happy I can finally have that beach wedding I've always dreamed about. I'm thinking you and your sister should wear red dresses. Ahhhhhhh I'm so excited we were thinking mid August..." and then there was silence. "Honey are you there," she said slowly. "Oh I can finally get a word in mother, haha well for starters that's great news and congratulations, I'm so happy for you. You deserve to be happy mommy, I love you and I can't wait to be your bridesmaid...." Thud!

I looked up to see exactly what it was or who it was that I bumped into. I came to stare into a pair of piercing, deep and pure blue eyes, I wasn't prepared for the gorgeous man to steal my breath away. Every feature of his face made me lick my lips. He was absurdly handsome and young I'd say he was no more than 27 years of age.

After a while of ogling him, I realized he was holding out his hand for me and asking if I was alright. I took the offered hand and simply replied "Sorry yes sir, thank you for your kindness. Coffee is on me for a week." I heard a little scoff and looked up at his face to see surprise written all over it. "What's wrong with your face, I did apologize." Then he smirked and said "Do I look like I need you to buy me coffee for a week. If you haven't noticed I'm wearing a $20,000 tailored, Italian suit so that should tell you I've got plenty money."

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to offend you I was just implying that your coffee would be on my for a week to thank you for your kindness. But if you really wanna be a jerk about it than fine, buy your own coffee." I turned to leave but stopped when I felt a big, strong hand grab my wrist. I turned around to give him a piece of mind, but the look in his eyes made me swallow my words. His eyes were filled with wonder, curiosity, and maybe a little anger.

"I'll take the week of free coffee, thank you. You've got nerve standing up to me like that, I'm a powerful man and I normally get what I want." "Yeah well sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not like anybody out there I'm a one of a kind. I don't take orders from anybody nor will I ever." I seen his smirk grow wider and I couldn't help but smile and say "I'll be right out with your coffee sir." She could swear she heard him take in a sharp breath of air and it made her heart skip a beat.

Sean's POV

As I watched her retreating form I couldn't help but look at that plump little bottom she had. I was not expecting it to be a young,beautiful, petite, and fiery at that woman that had bumped into my back. When she offered me a week of coffee on her I did nothing but take offense to what she said. Than she pointed out she was trying to be nice and then she called me a jerk. She was right, so I did the next best thing and accepted the coffee. When she called me a jerk it took everything in my being not to rip, her light blue sundress under her apron and ravish her right there. And then the word sir had me biting my tounge so hard I tasted the faintness of blood.

I would never go for a girl like her, she was a little too pale, she seemed like more of a keep to herself kind of girl and she didn't seem to have money or make 6 figures like myself. I was used to models and actresses, fast cars and huge parties, the ultimate lifestyle but when I looked in her eyes it all dissipated, and all I wanted was to wrap my hands in that thick curly hair of hers and be buried inside her.
Maybe this week of coffee dates will be worth while after all. I couldn't help but smile when I seen her coming back to the table with not one but two coffee's. She said " I hope you don't mind, I figured I might as well have my dose of caffeine and join you." Me reply "Absolutely not, please have a seat." with the biggest smile on my face. This is going to be the start of a good time.

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