To Be Or Not To Be

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I count to three before I speak, for I don't want to be shouting. We are both adults and should be able to talk as such. "Sean, what was she doing at your job? Why didn't you tell her to leave? You really checked her out?" I started shooting questions at him left and right. "I don't know what she was doing, but it was after work I was walking to my car and she came running across the parking lot. I told her to leave but I cant very well force her to do anything. It was a quick moment of weakness. The dress she was wearing just stuck to her body with the way the wind blew. Rebekah I don't want her and I haven't wanted her in a while now." I heard what he was saying but the fact this woman really was doing her damnedest to get him back was beside me. She came back with a purpose and she doesn't seem like she is going to stop until she gets what she wants. "Did you kiss her then?" It would have ruined me all over again if he would have said yes to that question. I mentally prepared myself for the hurt my heart would feel again.

He responded "No of course not. I haven't thought about Evelyn that way in forever, especially since I met you. Your seriously the whole package, and I know you don't feel like it sometimes but your are more beautiful and amazing and independent than any woman I've ever known." I look into his eyes once more seeing as though I'm still straddling him.  I can see he speaks only the truth where I'm concerned, and it tugs at my heart that I ran from this man who wants nothing more than too love me. I lean down and kiss him, completely taking him by surprise and myself as well. When we pull apart I tell him that I forgive him and that I want to move forward with our relationship, but that the next time I see Evelyn there will be a problem and he better just let me deal with it on my own. We share another quick kiss and he finally lets me lay down beside him and cuddle, soon we're both drifting off to sleep.

Sean's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night and feel the spot beside me is empty, still warm but empty. I open both eyes and look around my bedroom but I don't see her anywhere. Having not been fully awake I immediately start to panic thinking the worst possible scenario "she's left me" my subconscious starts to say. I hope out of bed and instantly head for the most obvious of places, my connecting bathroom, but surprisingly she's not there. Then I head out of my bedroom and to the library, which I know is one of her favorite places in my home, but she's not there either. Starting to really freak I head towards the living room and into the foyer just about ready to yank open my front door, hop in the car and race to her apartment. As I step into the foyer I hear Ed Sheeran playing in the kitchen and hear the sizzle of bacon frying in the pan. As I start laughing to myself I head for the kitchen, I walk through the door way and can't help but lean against it and just watch her as she's in her natural element.

Standing in front of the stove as she finishes the bacon and starts on the eggs and waffles, I notice her doing a little swirling of the hips and I watch and wait in anticipation for her plump cheeks to lift my shirt and expose her perfect, plump, round bottom. She must not have heard me searching throughout the house for her because she just continues cooking, and dancing, and singing. I stay rooted for at least 2 or 3 minutes watching how beautiful this woman truly is, and thinking of all the things she is capable of. Not being able resist her any longer I walk over and put my arms around her, "Good morning gorgeous." and kiss her neck. I hear her hum low in her chest, lean into me and respond with a smile in her voice, "Good morning handsome. If you just give me 5 more minutes breakfast will be ready. I ran to the little market down the street for orange juice, fruit, and waffle batter. I'm not a big pancake eater, unless there my mothers." As she turned and finished her words my lips were claiming her lips in a matter of seconds.

This woman literally was perfect, like the ideal woman I've dreamed about my whole life. Someone who doesn't swoon at the sight of me, could care less about my money and status. Every other woman out there is either a gold digger or a cheater and liar. But not this one, no this woman came from a different planet I promise. After breaking apart to catch some air I stare down into her eyes and just think about how happy we make each other and how long I think it will last. "I want you forever Rebekah, I love you..." I hear myself saying aloud and stop speaking. "Did you just hear that?" She finishes the last waffle, and places it on the table along with bacon, eggs, grits, sliced fruit, fresh brewed coffee, fresh squeezed orange juice and all the condiments you would need. And I even noticed she had the morning paper sitting near what I assumed was my place setting. She turned slowly to face me and when she looked up at me she had tears in her eyes, but I couldn't be sure of what emotion they were stemming from. "I heard you loud and clear, but I'm afraid." When she noticed my reaction was a little on the offensive side she quickly continued. "Of course I love you Sean, but I don't want to rush things. I'm enjoying my time with you so much, being your girlfriend is amazing. Although its had its downsides I still enjoy it. But just walking around with the title of being your girlfriend is some heavy work. Your not royalty, but you an important person and everywhere I go someone is gonna see me and the speculation starts." I completely understand where she is coming from and before even thinking further about the idea of marrying her I just give her a quick kiss and head nod and sit down to eat a wonderfully cooked feast of a breakfast.

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