The Invite

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After driving for about 25 minutes we pull into a parking lot that belongs too a huge white and brown house like restaurant containing about 12 white rocking chairs. It wasn't super fancy, but I didn't want or expect it to be. In my eyes it was perfect, and I was with the most perfect man and his mother. As we walk in to be seated I hear a group of girl snickering and looking our way. I'm not 100% sure but I think I heard one of them say "it wont be hard for Evelyn to get him back, and you know she will. People like Sean and Evelyn belong together, its just natural." Another girl said "what do you think was going through his head when he asked out the girl he's with now?" It was awful to hear, and it was kind of crazy how well known the 2 were. Sean one of the richest most eligible bachelors, and the beautiful platinum blonde Barbie. As we take our seats at the table I sit to Sean's right, while his mother sits on the left. We start browsing the menu when I feel a hand touch my arm ever so lightly. "Hey gorgeous, why the long face?" I stare over at him and take a deep breath. Before I can speak though I mentally have a conversation with myself. "Should I tell him? Isn't it a little early into the relationship to already be as insecure as I am?" I decide to tell him anyways, considering communication is one of the key elements of a good and healthy relationship. "When we walked in, I overheard a conversation amongst a group of women. They were saying how it would be no competition if Evelyn was trying to get you back. How people like the two of you belong together." I heard his intake of breath as if he were a little frustrated. "Rebekah you have to stop believing everything you hear. Yes Evelyn is of upper class status like myself, yes she is a very attractive woman, but NO, Absolutely not attracted to her. I'm with you, I'm starting to love you. Your the only one I see in a room full of people." At first when he was saying how Evelyn was attractive, I admit I got a little mad. But then he damn near poured his soul out to me. I had to hold back tears that wanted so badly to be shed. "Well you love birds I'm gonna run to the ladies room while we wait to order the food." We both nod at Alana in agreement, and look back at each other as our eyes lock and we both start leaning in for a kiss. About an hour later we're eating our delicious food. I ordered lemon peppered grill tilapia, with steamed broccoli and carrots, and a mimosa to drink. Sean ordered almost the same thing just steamed broccoli, and French fries with a greyhound. While Alana ordered a grilled chicken and shrimp Caesar salad with a bloody mary. As breakfast goes on we start having amazing conversation about family, jobs, relationships. I hear Sean's phone vibrating in his blazer, and see him reach for it. I'm assuming it work because from what I've learned on this lunch date is that Alana comes before anything and anyone in his life. "Sean speaking.", "Yes, everything should be prepped for the ball." Ball, what ball was he talking about? "Get me two tickets, I have a plus one. I can't wait for everyone to meet her." "Yeah ok, alright. Yeah, thanks Allen." As he hangs up the phone, I notice that very sexy smirk on his face. "If you don't mind my asking, what was that about?" He looks over at me and says "how do you feel about attending a $1.5 million ball with me tonight?" I just stare at him in awe, with my mouth wide open in astonishment.

Sean's POV

Lunch is going better than I thought it would. Wasn't expecting it to be bad, but wasn't expecting it to be amazing. Like these two women in front of me knew each other for years. I feel my phone vibrate in my blazer pocket, and reach to get it. "Sean speaking.", "Yes, everything should be prepped for the ball."Get me two tickets, I have a plus one. I can't wait for everyone to meet her." "Yeah ok, alright. Yeah, thanks Allen." As soon as the phones down I hear Rebekah asking what that was about. "How do you feel about attending a $1.5 million ball with me tonight?" She just stared at me, with her jaw wide open. "Rebekah, sweetheart breathe." I see her chest rise as if her lungs are filling up with air, then she turns and looks at me. "Sean, are you kidding me. That sounds amazing but I couldn't possibly have anything decent enough to wear to something as extravagant as a ball." She looked away shaking her head, but not before I saw he eyes water up. I reached for her and used my thumb and index finger to guide her chin to look at me. When she opened her eyes, it was like a punch to the chest. This woman I was learning to love never had nice things. She had to work twice as hard as everyone else to get to where she is now. "Baby, that's why I plan on taking you shopping. You don't have to purchase a new wardrobe if you don't want to. But a dress is necessary." I smiled at her and once I head that giggle I love so much I knew she was back in good graces. She leaned over and kissed me and with her lips mere inches from mines asked "so when does the shopping start". Once the bill was paid, Rebekah, my mother and myself head towards the car. Seems like the trip home was quicker than the trip there. Once I pull into the driveway, I put the car in park and hop out to open both doors for my mother and Rebekah. The two most important women in my life chat for a few minutes then embrace each other in a tight hug. I give my mother a kiss on the cheek and help her into her car. As we watch her pull off I look down at Rebekah and can't help but to kiss her. It's a soft kiss and I hear a low moan in her throat. Before I can let this go any further we need to head out shopping. She doesn't like really expensive extravagant things so I think of the perfect place to take her.

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