21 Questions

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I sat down across from him with the two coffee's in hand. I handed him the one that was black with a little room for cream and sugar. He had this smile on his face that could light up an entire room and he was just staring at me, memorizing every fraction of my face. "I hope you don't mind I just need my coffee before I start my shift." He just nodded and kept smiling, as soon as I broke eye contact I saw his smile fade and his head drop a little. I decided to make conversation and ask him 21 questions about himself. First things first "Do you care if we ask each other questions?" "Not at all, shoot for it" he said.  "What's your name?" He smiled big "You don't know who I am?" I shook my head, he looked sorta familiar but I wouldn't speak on it. "I'm Sean Kelly, CEO of Kelly Enterprise Inc. My father started the company at my age." I looked at him like I knew how old he was. "Haha 27, I'm 27 years old. Ok my turn, obviously I know your employment already seeing as we are here haha, what's your name and how old are you?" He blinked at me curious as to what my answer is "Rebekah Reynolds and I'm 23 my birthday is coming up in a couple months so almost 24. Were you born and raised in North Carolina?" He was quiet for a moment, as if in deep thought about something. Suddenly his head snapped up and he said "I couldn't tell you, I'm adopted." I instantly saw the pain sweep across his face. "We don't have to talk anymore, I see this is something you don't like talking about. I'll let you enjoy your coffee...." I get up to walk away and the new sensation from his touch hits my body again when he grabs my wrist and asks "When will I see you again?" And the smirk was back I gave him a small smile and said "You have 6 more days of coffee on me. So I'll see you tomorrow 9 am sharp. Have a good day at work." "Have a good day" he gave me a wink stood up and was on his way.

Sean's POV

My day started out pretty well met a very beautiful girl, got to have coffee with her this morning, as well as for the next 6 days. Her name is Rebekah, I like the  feeling that the sound of her name running off my lips does to my groin. She's so curvy and luscious, I just gotta have her to myself...my thoughts were interrupted by my assistant knocking on the door telling me my mother was here. I've been with her and my dad since I was 2 years old. I don't care if they didn't create me, they were there through everything a parent should be there for. Suddenly the door flies open and in steps my beaming mother Karen Kelly. "Sean sweetheart, I was just doing some retail therapy at over at Carolina Place and I bumped into Evelyn and her mother, she told me you broke off the relationship about 2 months ago. Why did you do that? Why did you tell me? I'm your mother for crying out loud." I hold up my hand, "Mom slow down ok, I didn't tell you because it's not that important and I broke it off because I can't be with someone like her." "Well what's that supposed to mean? I thought she was lovely and you guys were perfect for each other." I shook my head my mom was so difficult when it came to me and the women I dated. "She is a great girl mom for some guy but I'm not that guy. I hate the fact that she is so money hungry and selfish and I've never seen her without an ounce of make up on. We dated for 6 months and I couldn't even tell you if she is a natural beauty. As for her mother, she doesn't like me anyway. She's never liked me and that will never change." My mom just looked at me and then smiled and said "Point taken, haha I love you so much son." "I love you to mom, I've got a lot of work to do so I'll talk to you later?" She nodded "Yes sure I understand your a very busy man, oh and by the way your sister's will be home from school," she paused looking at her phone "tomorrow morning at exactly 8:45 am and we're having a barbecue Saturday. Please come bring a date if you like, your brother is bringing his fiancè." I nodded my head and smiled "ok mom I'll be there."

I continued on about my hectic work day, but it was so hard concentrating when all I kept thinking about were those big brown eyes, and those soft, full, and pink lips. Maybe I would ask her to the barbecue, or maybe it's too soon for her to meet my family. Maybe as friends I'll ask her anyways.
End Sean's POV

I looked at the clock it was 1:15 which meant I still had 3 1/2 hours of work left so I decided I'd head to lunch. There was a small pizzeria around the block that I could get 2 slices and a drink for a couple bucks. I take off my apron and wash my hands really good. I grab my purse and my sunglasses, it was such a beautiful day out after 3 days of rain, I'd take 75° weather. I was just exiting the cafe when I seen him heading my way, Mr. Sean Kelly in all his glory. Unlike earlier he had his blazer hung over his shoulder and his sunglasses relaxing on the bridge of his nose. I wonder where he came from, I wasn't aware that he worked close by. As he approached me I speak "Well hello again Mr. Kelly sir, twice in one day what have I done to deserve such attention." His reply had me all giddy inside "Are you free for lunch right now? I have something I'd like to ask you." I look up at him cause his 6'4 towers over my 5'4. "Actually yeah I was just headed to the little pizzeria around the block, for a couple slices and some air. It gets a little weird when all you smell is coffee. Haha so how's your day going?" I ask as we continue walking to the pizzeria.
"My days kinda crazy, it's very hectic at work and then my mom stopped by to give me a lecture about an ex that she ran into. It's just been an adventurous day so far." I look at him suddenly curious about his life and what exactly the CEO does. "Sounds like an exciting life to me, haha I wake up go to work, get off, call my mom, eat dinner and the go to bed and do it all over again. I've been job hunting lately but nothing has turned up yet." He instantly stared at me, right through my soul if felt like. "Your looking for a new job, you don't like the café?" Suddenly he's intrigued by my line of work. "It's not that I don't like it, it's great it's been home to me for the last 4 years, it's just time for a change I need to be making more than what I make being a barista." He just examined my face as if a plan was brewing and then nodded. "How bad do you need the job?" I looked at him skeptically "I need it bad, like really bad." He smirked and then got all business like in a nanosecond "Here's the deal I'll give you a job as my assistant, the one I have now is leaving in 2 weeks to Texas with her new husband. Their expecting a little one in about 3 months. She can train you before she leaves. In return could I just ask you a favor....?" I just stared at him and nodded my head. "When my mother stopped by earlier she informed me that my sister's will be home tomorrow morning from school so they are having a barbecue Saturday at my parents, would you be my date.?" I just stared at him not knowing what to say.

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