Chapter 5

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A/N: Sorry for my absence! I had a bit of craziness in my life. A lot of unfortunate things happen. It gave me writers block by the time I came decided to start writing again. Thank you to all the wonderful ppl who kept asking for updates. You guys help me a lot by reminding me that I made a commitment to you all to finish this story. Also I made a small change to the POV's. I use to do 3rd person POV's. I'm doing first person now. If you hate it, let me know. I will switch back. If you prefer it this way, I'll keep it like this from now on. Now, please enjoy the story!


It was dark and they had set up camp for the last time. Minato had informed Sakura that tonight would be the last time that they would spend alone together. They would reach the destination by midday tomorrow and the real part of the mission would begin. That was a huge relief for Sakura. She had very much grown tired of being alone with him.

"Sakura, set up came. I'll will gather the food for tonight." He said before vanishing.

She sighed and did as she was told. Gathering dry leaves and twigs, she set it together and grabbed two nearby stones. Sliding the stones against each other with force, she was able to create sparks that eventually lit the dry items and created a steady fire. Sakura smiled and leaned back on her hands as she listened and waited for Minato, enjoying the silence. For once, it wasn't awkward, just peaceful. Deciding that now was as good a time as any, Sakura pulled the tie lose from her hair and light the strands go free. It was a ritual of sorts for her. Something she did before going to bed. She would never be able to sleep with her hair tied back. Now she just waited, she knew he would be back shortly, he was always fast and efficient. By the time, she kept on guard for any potential threat that may be lurking.

Thankfully it happened to be another easy night and the blonde nin returned in record time holding descaled and gutted fish and two containers filled with water. Skewering the fish and setting them aside the fire to cook, Minato sat down across the fire, across from Sakura. She was paying very little attention to him. Instead, she sat there, arms slightly behind her as she leaned back, head tilted towards the dark sky.

Minato's POV

How beautiful she looked right now. Hair wrapping around her body in lovely way as the wind blew slightly. She looked peaceful at night, staring up into the midnight sky. I couldn't help but stare at her. This was as close as I could be to her without her further distancing herself from me. It was ok with it for now. At the very least I didn't have to hide himself from her like a stalker. She looked intently at the sky, searching for something.

"There aren't any stars tonight..." She whispered with a frown, not realizing she had said that out loud until she got a response.

"Is that what you've been looking for? A star? You are still quite childish, Saki."

I chuckled to myself and her child like innocence.

Sakura sat straight up,face red with embarrassment. Snapping her head to face her ex, she looked about ready to fire off a comeback but stopped at the sound of my light laughter. I looked to her and smiled warmly. The same smile that I know she was always goes weak at the knees for. Sakura was frozen in awe, watching me through the glow of the fire. 'Got her.' She was just stuck there, eyes wide and a deep flush staining her cheeks. She looked entranced. It had been so long since he had seen that look on her face, it was beautiful and he found that he couldn't look away from her either. It was the look she gave when she wanted him but could not ask.

I took note of this, of course and my soft smile widen. I knew the effect I was having on her. Oh, did I know all too well. I would be a fool to not know MY own girlfriend after all the time we had spent together. She had always told him how much she loved his smile and what it did to her. So surely I had often used this same smile just to get my way with her from time to time. She could almost never resist it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2019 ⏰

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