Chapter 3

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Minato released her and stared her down, searching her eyes for the truth but was unable to read her. That was a first. Minato could alway read his woman like a book. Where was his Saki? The girl who wore her heart on her sleeve, nothing was kept secret from him so how was a secret so detrimental able to pass by him? 'That's impossible! Saki would never...but then why else would she be leaving?' No, this was not something this woman was capable of. She love's he, that was without doubt but was it really so hard to believe that she could love someone else too?

The Yellow Flash lowered his eyes and looked at nothing as he searched himself for an answer. One that he knew for sure but did not want to say. 'She was trying to leave to spare my feelings. She pities me.' That sounded more like his Saki and that's when he understood. For a moment he looked so vulnerable, so broken that it killed her inside. Sakura truly regretted what she just said. 'I shouldn't have said that. Why did I say that?! I should have said something, anything else...' That shattered look on his face was quickly snuffed out as his eyes darkened and his face twisted into a scowl. His eyes...the light was gone from them. The beautiful clear blue eyes that had only held love for her looked so dull now.

He looked at her like she was his worst enemy and honestly it hurt. Sakura could only imagine the thoughts going through his head and of course her mind could only conjure up the worst ideas. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears before she turned away from his cold stare. Sakura couldn't feel more guilty at this very moment. She grasped her chest with her right hand, feeling the throbbing pain as her heart ached for the man before her. The nurse took a shaky breath.

"Gomen ne-" She started but was quickly cut off.

"Who is he?" Those words sent shivers down her spine. She had never heard him sound so cold.

Hesitantly, Sakura took a step back. She hadn't meant to but his eyes were look on her so closely that it was impulse. No longer able to look him in the eyes, the nurse tried to find interest in the pale green polish of her toes. 'There is no one else! I'm lying!' Her guilty mind shouted. The pink little kunoichi bit her lip to stop herself from screaming the truth to him. What was she supposed to do? Sakura was not a great liar. As a matter of fact, she was a pretty pathetic excuse for a ninja when it came to such things. It amazed her that she had gotten this far in the first place. 'What do I do?'

"Who were you with Sakura?!"

"I cannot tell you that. It's none of your business. I'm- I am not your business anymore." She rebutted immediately, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Not my business...? You tell me you have been cheating on me but you don't have the decency to to me who?" He wanted to yell at her, erase every precious memory they'd shared. 'Two years of a relationship, gone! This is not my Saki...' Minato release an angry puff of breath. He could forgive a lot of things but cheating was a something he could never forgive. It's also something that he could not believe he would have to endure with Saki.

"You are not my Saki."

Sakura hung her head in shame, he face contorted in pain. Sure she didn't cheat but the feeling of shame did not leave her and the pain was like her heart was being pulled out of her chest. She was trembling now, so close to tears that the his next words would bring forth the waterfall she had held at bay all night. Minato was about to continue when he look at the shaky mess that was the woman he loved. She looked about ready to break and he couldn't bring himself to say anymore. By the gods, he wanted to hold her and take back everything he said. He probably would have if it weren't for him finally realizing the steady crowd that has gathered around them, whispering amongst themselves.

How could he have been so ignorant. The first fight they had in two years and it was broadcasted in front of all to see. Now, Minato was a very private person and to say that this was upsetting to him was an understatement. By noon, the entirety of Konoha will have found about tonight's events and that did not please him one bit. Glancing over to the medic, she had not moved an inch besides the apparent quaking.

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