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My name is Paddy, I'm just a teenagers, 14 years old, Indonesian
Now i'm a junior high school student, grade 9, currently in a midtest

And i've been writing here since i'm in grade 6, Because i saw my friends writing fanfictional

In the first place, i thought Wattpad was a place to have fun, but at first, i thought it was right, i wrote and released my first fanfic in 2017, "Life with a Bad Ending" and "My Cuties and Family"

Due so many mistakes and short words per chapter, it isn't popular compared to my stories such as The Friendship Moment.
My first fanfics didn't get a praise or a critics, i thought people really enjoy it, but i don't know the truth until know

But then, i got my first followers, Which is my own best friend
It seems she enjoys my story, even i thought it was super bad

Then, as the middle of 2017, i stop writing fanfics
I surrender, i give up, i can't do it

But NO!

There's still a hope, that part, i realize, Wattpad is not for fun only, but for serious, i keep googling, How to get many reads, votes, etc....

But, as i tried the steps, i fail....

But then i rise again, I won't give up!

Then i release "The Haunted Powder Point"  in the middle of 2017, i never expected that story would gain my popularity (i'm not very popular till now), From that story, i got many new followers, many praises, even i release it only with 5 chapters, seriously, my hope rises again!

"I love your stories"

"Keep up! I love it"

That's some praises i got, didn't realize it's been two years since that moment happening, in the mid-late of 2017
I tried and released my first romance story "Double Romance at Valentine's Day"
I was hoping to get more than 500 reads, but that story.... was a big failure! Only got 2 reads!
(I forget that story still exists or not, i have decide to delete that story before)

Then, my hopes are all gone again, i just feel like want to quit writing, i have no hope, nobody's supporting me, and it isn't fun anymore....

Then, my inspiration rises again, i made my first mystery story "The Power of Rainy Night" (Deleted), and you know what? It is a failure once again, get only 11 reads in one year, i'm very sad then....

I really think that i would never be like those success people out there, i really think that i'm a trash, useless writer, weird, stories doesn't make any senses...

In the middle of my thoughts, i released many stories in the end of 2017,who knows, they all got 50+ reads, and many praises, got another followers.
I'm so grateful and my hope have been restored...

In 2018

This is a new year, a new beginning, i hope that in this year, my popularity got bigger than my first year, i was a messy back then....

As my favorite Flipline Studios announce upcoming Papa's Scooperia, I wrote and released "The Cookie Sundaes".
When i released its first 4 (or 5) chapter, it only got few reads (50 - 100), but as i released "Scooperia, HD and To Go" chapter, i'm having hiatus on Wattpad for few weeks due fasting and celebrating Eid Mubarak

And i also think for the next chapter without knowing the views i got, without care about it too, all i do is write, write and write...

Few weeks later...
i open my Wattpad for the very first time after the hiatus, but how shocked i am when i saw The Cookie Sundaes have reached 500 VIEWS!!!
And when i look which part that got the most view, it is the newest part, have reaching around 250 views, i was shocked and grateful! I really can't believe it!

Next month, i start to learning French, which is caused by just a "playing around" in Google Translate, i studied hard and day by day, i learn new words, with The Cookie Sundaes keep gainimg views, i feel calm and trying to improve by giving each dialog one space

Instead of:

"He is so bad" i said "Yeah, what's so special on him?" My friend said "He never does anything good tho, but all he can do is laughing at people who's trying" i said

I really trying to improve each time i write a new part, i hope it really works....

September 2018, i released The Friendship Moment, one of my most popular and signature story (As my friend know me from that story, and that story got into storylist the most), first, it only got only 50 reads in one week and keep gaining everyday, as i busy promoting it and writing chapters that i should released every thursday

November 2018, Besties at the Island was got into a draf and the cover was made and the story is set to be released on my 14th birthday as a gift for all of you, December 2018, in the middle of my holiday, i release the VERY first french story, which is the French version of The Friendship Moment, it work well as the original one got 500 views that time (almost surpassint The Cookie Sundaes that got 600 views that time)

Also in November 2018, November 11th for sure, Letsplay21's Book is born, First born in Instagram, used to Promoting each chapter that coming each week, The username is @letsplay21_book

Few weeks later, A Facebook page was made for it and Wordpress website too, same use, for promotion.


In the beginning of this year, i have release 2 stories already, "Adventure with My Uncle" and "Besties at the Island"
Both work well and both of them got many views for now, and The Friendship Moment come into the end. In the end of the story, it got around 400 views and keep gaining untik now

Adventure with My Uncle show my improvement on writing Criminal Case fan fiction, It have 500 views (or 400) for now, every week, i released 4 chapters every week and it's considered as hard work? I hope...

April 2019, The very first Indonesian Story of mine was released, Indonesian version of The Friendship Moment, it's not popular compared to the two version of it, English and French, for now, only reaching 64 views

June 2019, Mapling Around come to the draf and set to be released on June 22, As a celebration for me, finishing grade 8, prior to that, a story trailer was made and published to YouTube in June 10 2019

Watch the video here:

Until now, Mapling Around only have 160 views

And as i got into grade 9, My classmates starting to know what i love to do, they keep asking me my wattpad story, link and more...

For you new writers, Keep writing! It is your passion, Your hobby
Nobody should force you to stop, This is your art, what is in your mind and you should let go of it!

Keep your passion and keep writing!

This is what i can open from my background, starting from next part, i will explain year by year and details by details

I guess this is what i can introduce to you all
Be happy and stay writing! Goodbye! 😘

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