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"You should put it, c'mon Diamond... Don't make me angry." Italia exhaled when we walked out to school's pool area. She was with bikini already and I... I was with my clothes. I won't put that motherfucker on me. I don't like my body. Only Niall can see me without clothes that's all.
"I'm not comfortable here." I whispered staring at girls with bikinis.
"Calm down, Diamond. Calm down." Italia laughed watching me.
"Baby, what's this?? Why you're fully dressed?" Niall asked from distance coming.
"I'm so drooling right now." I whispered to Italia seeing him in swim shorts. Those tattoos, his body, mmm... If only I could remove them shorts.
"She doesn't put a bakini. I was trying to talk her in for whole ten minutes but she's stubborn." Italia squinted her eyes. I pouted crossing my arms.
"Oh baby, c'mooon. Just put the damn bikini. You won't die. Do you have the bikini here?" Niall laughed kneeling to me.
"What if I will die? And yes I do." I dramatically said and peeked to his hickeys and scratches.
"Is that place empty? I won't scare girls?" he looked at Italia.
"Nope. It's empty." she shaked her head.
"Good." he beamed a smile and grabbed me to the girls' changing room.
"Niall... I don't wanna." I whined turning him to me.
"Why? Tell me." he got interested and fixed my hair. I sighed.
"I don't like my body." I simply said but he looked at me like I was from another planet.
"I'm fat. I look ugly, plus those girls look way better with bikinis." I sighed again.
"You... Fat? Where? You got that damn good ass. Mmm, yes it is damn good." he cleared his throat. I blinked.
"So, can we go back?" I asked.
"No. Take the bikini out. I'm gonna dess you like a child." Niall said with a serious face. I shaked my head.
"Now!" he said demanding.
"Yes, daddy!" I quickly ran.
"Wow! A daddy! That weekend really did a great job." Niall laughed. "Holy crap! It's red." Niall went crazy when he saw my bikini.
"Quickly! Put it on. Ugh, I wanna fuck you in this, so bad. Maybe later. Or in the pool." Niall tried to calm down and put bikini's top on his head.
"Baby, you're insane." I laughed and quickly made a picture of him.
"Help me put it on." I took off my clothes and put the bottom of bikini.
"You can be naked for me." he giggled tying my bikini.
"Just not here." I smiled when he kissed my neck.

My Medication // N.H. ✔️Where stories live. Discover now