Am I Crazy?

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My eyes slowly opened up.
"Niall?" I whispered seeing an empty bedside. I took my phone on the pillow he slept on. There was two messages from Niall.
Niall: *Goooooood morning! How are you feeling today? *
Niall: *Sorry , you had to wake up alone but your parents came home. Call me when you wake up . *
I smiled and slowly got out of bed. I felt a bit sore. I took a quick shower and dressed up. Moreover, I had to cover my hickeys with foundation.
"Good morning." I smiled to my parents.
"Hungry?" my mom asked. I shaked my head.
"I just make myself tea." I did as I said and went to my room, founded some cookies from Niall's junkie bag. I placed my bear on bed and dialed Niall.
"Hey, baby! I'm up, feeling perfect just didn't find you beside me. Call me when you can." I said when voicemail turned on. I sighed drinking my tea.
"Are you okay?? Why didn't you pick up?" I panicked when he called me after 5 minutes.
"Dad grounded me. Mom told him about week off. I'm grounded for a week, until school. How do you feel?" he asked. I felt him smile.
"Oh... So, I won't see you often? I'm perfect. And you? How are you?" I smiled.
"I'm amazing. Thanks for the night. I won't forget and we'll manage somehow to meet, don't worry." Niall giggled. I blushed.
"Why you're thanking me? I did nothing." I bit my lip playing with bear.
"I have what to thank for. You chose me to be your first and I know that for a girl like you it means a lot." he whispered and I heard a thud. I looked at my phone weirdly.
"I need to go. Mom needs me for something. Talk later, I love you." he said and hung up. I blinked finishing my tea. Maybe I should go and surprise him? He comes to me when I need him, so I should do that to him too. I wanna see him, hug him.
"Mom, I'm going for a walk." I said putting my shoes and I stuffed my phone in pocket. I don't know why but I didn't feel like going to him. That feeling came so out of nowhere. I don't understand why. I kept looking around and searching for Niall's windows.
"Amazing." I whispered when I saw it's easy to reach his windows. I slowly climbed on ladders what was grown around with twiners. I bit my lip carefully getting in his balcony. My body pressed to the wall and I glanced through the corner. The next moment I wished... I wished that I could have changed my mind about coming here. Niall was making out on his bed with Stella and he clearly enjoyed it. I noticed that Stella saw me and started to put her hand inside his pants. I jumped off his balcony pissed, heartbroken and most of all furious as hell. I wiped my tears with sleeves and saw a rock next to my foot. Am I crazy? Of course, I am. I took that rock and just threw into his balcony's glass door. Shattering into pieces. I heard squeales and shouting at the house. My head shot up when Niall came to balcony. He just went pale seeing me standing with tears. I shaked my head running to be somewhere alone. Only thing I understood doing right now was dialing Italia's number, so quickly.
"I just shattered Niall's glass doors. Come at the park near your home. I'm waiting. Hurry!" I said it fast running. I needed her. I needed to talk to her or I'll kill Stella and Niall.

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