Chapter 5

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-Harry's POV-

Why is this so hard? Why does he have to be so god damned perfect all the time? Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair as I leaned back on the lawn chair outside in the garden. It was quiet outside and I was starting to get used to the cold weather here. My mind wandered back to Niall because for some reason no matter how hard I tried, it was getting bloody impossible not to think about the blond.

My feelings have unfortunately not diminished for my Irish bandmate like I had hoped they would. Sadly denying them have been getting harder with every passing day. It must be this house. Knowing that we're technically stuck here until Uncle Simon calls Liam to let us know the cars are on the way. With every passing day I feel myself slowly slipping into insanity. Ok maybe not that bad but as much as I loved vacation, I really couldn't wait to be out of here and back home.

I also still feel like shit because well.... I haven't actually apologized to Niall yet. Fuck, I know I'm seriously a horrible person. Last night we watched Toy Story 3, which was obviously Liam's choice. We had a laugh and comforted Liam when he cried and for a moment things had seemed to feel normal again. It felt just like it had when we first met each other and realized that we had really clicked as friends.

It wasn't though because I could feel the tension with the lads. I could tell that they were worried and I knew I had created it. It'll pass though, and everything will go back to normal. As long as I never act on those thoughts aga- "GUYS!!!" I shot my head towards the house as I heard Liam call from inside. Losing my train of thought I got up from the chair and rushed inside finding my way to Liam who was sitting in the living room.

I raised an eyebrow as my eyes fell upon his because he had a very worried expression over his face. I met his gaze and he twisted his mouth before opening it to speak. "I've got bad news." I looked over towards the lads seeing they had already walked in with worry on their faces. My heart clenched when I spotted Niall and he was looking almost scared as he walked in over from the kitchen. I quickly looked away when his blue eyes lifted to meet mine.

We hung out for a bit yesterday but most of our conversation was filled with many awkward silences. He seemed nervous around me yesterday but in all just happy to be around me. I wish he wasn't though. Maybe if he wouldn't be so eager or happy to hang around me maybe this whole attraction towards him would be easier to get rid of and forget. Attraction? Great now I just admitted I was attracted to him. This day seemed to be just going great.

Sighing to myself I turned my head back over towards Liam again because it was never good if he was this serious. Clearing his throat he looked up at all of us and ran a hand through his hair before continuing. "Simon just called and said that there has been major blizzard in the town at the base of the mountain. He says one is bound to hit us soon." he ran a hand through his hair and as he paused took a breath not realizing I had been holding mine."Guys, we're going to be stuck here for awhile."

-Niall's POV-

I frowned as Harry avoided my gaze again and let out a sigh as Louis just patted me on the shoulder offering me smile, "Don't worry about it." he whispered softly walking over sitting on the couch next to Liam. I must be really easy to read because everyone always seemed to know when I'm upset, well except for Harry recently.

I looked over at Liam who seemed to be really bothered by something, then again he just yelled through the house to get all of our attention. He was bouncing his leg furiously on the floor which was one of his nervous habits that I'd noticed of his. He was sitting there silently, probably trying to gather all of the thoughts in his head. I snapped my attention back to his face when I heard him clear his throat, "Simon just called and said that there has been major blizzard in the town at the base of the mountain. He says one is bound to hit us soon."

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