Chapter 2

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I was cold, in fact I was freezing. We have only been here one night and already it was starting to snow outside. I curled up under the covers trying to warm myself up more, but so far it wasn't working.

"Shit..." I muttered under my breath and threw the covers off and stood out of bed walking over to the closet. Maybe Simon kept some kind of extra blankets or something.

I blinked and rubbed my eyes as I adjusted to sudden light. Rummaging through some clothes and looking through some drawers around for a few minutes. Finally I just stopped, coming up with nothing and I turned off the light before heading back to bed.

"Harry, what are you doing?" The soft tired voice called out to me. Silently I cursed myself as I realized I had woken up Niall. "Oh hey sorry Ni, I was just looking for a blanket." I said softly not wanting to be to loud and wake up the rest of the house.

I was about to climb into my bed to attempt to fall back asleep and stopped suddenly, "Well you could come lay with me?" A small sleepy voice whispered out to me.

Wait, did I hear that right? Lay with him? In the same bed? Well it's not weird or anything, I mean we all practically live on top of one another in the bus and in the hotels during tour.

So why did this stir a weird feeling inside me. I should have said no and just have dealt with the cold like any normal guy would. But of course I didn't.

"Oh, um sure." I turned around and saw his silhouetted figure move over in the bed to make space. Quietly, I slipped in beside him awkwardly not really knowing how to position myself next to him.

Once again I pushed the limits of my sanity and as if it was normal, my arms found their way around his waist and pulled him closer. It was weird, but I couldn't help but feel comfortable holding him.

"Well, someone's getting touchy." I heard him chuckle softly.

How was he taking this so lightly. "Well I want to get warm don't I?" I said trying to play it off, but my heart was beating so fast I thought it would pop out of my chest and I could only pray that Niall wasn't feeling it. He just nodded and slowly I could feel him relax into my hold.

What was happening? Why was it that I even had to steady my erratic breathing right now? This was normal between friends. Yes this was completely normal.

There was nothing behind this warm feeling I was getting in the pit of my stomach, or the ways my palms were getting sweaty.

I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep the scent of a winter's breeze.


"Harry? Harry!"

I stirred slightly in bed and squeezed my arms around the pillow and I opened my eyes sleepily. I then only remembered that it wasn't a pillow I was holding.

"N-Niall!" I exclaimed and retracted my arms shooting backwards before falling out of the bed and onto my bum.

Last night flooded into my head causing me to cringe at the memories. I groaned at the contact of the floor but pushed it aside as I picked myself up. I saw him sitting up and looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry Niall, you just, uh scared me. I guess I'll go get ready." I said with an apologetic smile and headed over to the bathroom closing the door behind me. I ran my fingers through my hair shaking my head.

'This is absolute nonsense Harry, god dammit. It's because you haven't gotten laid recently isn't it you damned horny bastard.' I scolded myself silently. What was even going on with me? But before i could delve to much on the thought, I pushed the thoughts back hoping to forget about them.

It took me about twenty minutes to get ready and by the time I got out of the bathroom Niall was already downstairs with the lads I presumed.

I walked down the stairs quickly and walked towards the kitchen where I heard the familiar voices of my bandmates. Walking into the room I smiled at them, "Mornin' Haz," I looked over at Niall who was just smiling at me. "Hey Ni." I said with a smile wondering what he thought about this morning. I was probably worrying more than needed. We're friends, actually best friends so it doesn't even matter what happened. If it didn't bother him, why was it bothering me?

I shook myself of my thoughts hopefully before anyone noticing me spacing out. "So guys what do you wanna do today?" I asked walking I've to the pantry, grabbing a cereal box. "How abouf a walf?" I looked at Niall who was eating and talking with his mouth full. As if on cue Liam smacked him on the back of the head with a magazine causing Louis and I to snicker at him.

"That doesn't sound to bad at all actually, what do you say?" Liam asked watt a smile, and we all agreed on it.

Walking outside I couldn't help but smile at the scenery. The light snow from last night had painted the ground and the trees white. The soft crunch of the snow beneath our feet was the only noise as we walked away from the house towards a little trail nearby.

It was so quiet and beautiful that I just lost myself as we walked past the trees. I breathed in the fresh scent of a winters day and it felt so nice.

That was until "-Oof." I exclaimed and turned around as I rubbed the back of my head feeling the wet snow in my hair. "Hahahahahahahaha..." I heard the signature laugh of Niall, as him and Louis were almost on the ground breaking out in laughter together.

"Funny huh?" i said softly under my breath and just smirked at them as I bent down grabbing a fistful of snow. I looked directly at Niall and called out his name causing him to look up just in time for my snowball to hit him in the face.

I saw the corner of his lip turn up as he wiped the snow from his face, "Snowball Fight!!!!" he called out and before I knew it we were in a war with one another. Even Liam and Zayn were pulled into the childish act.

Soon afterwards I sat down and leaned against one of the many trees around us. Everyone was sitting or laying down on the ground. This was nice. This was how things were supposed to be. Hanging with the lads is exactly how I loved spending my time because we're all just best friends. We all get along so well if people didn't know who we were an just saw us interacting with one another, they would think we had know each other for our whole lives.

I looked over at Niall who was just smiling and looking around like the happy little leprechaun he is. Just like a reflex, the edges of my lips raised into a smile as I watched him. I guess he felt my gaze because he looked in my direction and for a minute with just held each others gaze grinning like idiots at each other. Eventually the lads snapped us out of our own little world and we headed back towards the house.

Ever have that feeling that something bad was going to happen? Well that feeling was in the pit of my stomach, and it was going to happen to me sooner than I thought.


(a/n) Next chapter will start to be more interesting with the narry feels<3 w/ also slight mature content. So be warned!

So leave comments and votes if you enjoy the story so far or maybe some suggestions if you wish ^.^

Thanks guys! ~

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