Chapter 18(updated! Important!)

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What i'm seeing is simple. Glass on the floor, a blood puddle around my head. No one to be seen but me, my eyes open widely and I slowly sit up. In shock of what happened I manage to get on my feet again.
Limping slowly to the elevator, I get in and push any button just to get out of here.

Find Miles.
Get out of here.

The elevator goes down and I lean against the wall, the wounds sting in the dirty air. The elevators tops and the thing shakes.
Oh god!
The doors open and I get out before the whole elevator falls down the shaft. I let out a high pitched scream. Stumbling on the hard, cold floor. The bright lights shine and I look up. I get up and my knees hurt like... a lot...
The blood is brighter then ever compared with the white surroundings of the hallway.
"M...miles?..." I whimper while limping trough the tunnel like hall.

Everywhere I look I get dizzy, climbing over barrels and squeezing between obstacles. I didn't want to anymore. I look trough a window, it's the parking space with vehicles. "Freedom..." I whisper to myself. Pressing my hands against the glass, the blood leaving prints. The halls look messy, my head can't progress it.
The sirens go off and everything goes red. The alarms go off and the black shadow appears again.

I tremble and try to run, but the doors of the exit won't open.
The walrider flies up to me and slams me against the door, making me pass out.

Getting dragged across the floor it leaves a trace of blood.
"Girl must not die... must not leave..." the man stutters out and drags me to the engine.
Little did I know about Miles being there, up the second floor cutting off life support from Billy Hope.

I slowly open my eyes and see the high ceiling, I can't hear anything besides a high pitched sound.
"W...what the f...fuck?..." I whimper. The dragging stops. The man who had been dragging me for a while seems to be scared and I sit up.
I gasp and crawl back against some kind of machine. I look at the walrider tearing the dude apart.
I whimper in fear and close my eyes and the thing come flying to me. But this time not throwing me into the air, a cold unpleasant sensation goes trough my body. It twitches and gets a mind of its own. I black out and scream like there's no tommorow.

I wake up and sit on the same spot. This time I can see miles run up to me.
All in me wants to respond but miles kneels down at me, shaking hands, he doesn't know where to put them but on my bruised up cheeks. "Oh... oh fucking God...are you ok?... what happened?!"
I look at him with tears.
"C'mon... let's leave..."
He pulls me up and I lean fully against him. Him and me walks, we limp to the exit.

The doors slide open and my eyes get big, militarily men everywhere and dr warnicke. Miles holds me close to him and everything goes back into slowmotion. The soldiers shoot at us and it goes black.

In panic I scoot up against the wall, slipping from blood. The cold air strokes my skin. I whimper from fear and I am in a stage of shock. No point of living at this moment. Covering my head with my hands, shaking and trembling.
My bare feet covering each other.

Getting pulled away by a strong force I whimper an scream as it goes really fast.

Whatever time later:

"Yeah no she's one of the last to survive... no... the reporter haven't seen of him... no"

"Are you sure he isn't anywhere? Billy hope died and the walrider need a host to survive, are you sure it isn't Miles"

"No we're pretty sure that he's dead"

"Even if not... just go to his apartment and... and search the damn area"

"Alright!.... alright!"
The conversation keeps going, being ended with a door being shut hard.

My head hurts. A high pitch goes from left to right trough my ears. My breathing hurts, realizing that there are tubes going down my nose and throat.

"Ah Miss Rigg woke up... good evening"
A man standing on the other side of the bed.

"Welcome to Murkoff rehabilitation facility... we need all your information about Miles Upshur"

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