Epilogue: The Movie ends

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Alvin, Simon and Theodore were still sitting in Dave's car. The movie had come to an end and all three had enjoyed themselves.

"Well," said Alvin, "wasn't that a great idea of mine to watch the movie in the bat car?"

"Your idea!" said Simon angrily, "it was my idea, I set it up."

"Hey," said Theodore, "I set it up and I made the popcorn."

Suddenly Dave walked in with a surprised expression on his face.

"What happened to my car?" he exclaimed with his hand on his head. He then walked over to the chipmunks who were now afraid of what was about to happen. Dave looked very cross and would probably ground them for weeks for messing around with his car.

"Who's responsible for this?" Dave asked.

"He is!" said Alvin pointing at Simon.

"No, he is!" said Simon pointing at Theodore.

"It wasn't my idea," said Theodore pointing to Alvin.

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Batmunk (Novelization)Where stories live. Discover now