Prologue: The Movie begins

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It was a beautiful sunny day, but the chipmunks were not out playing, two of them Alvin and Simon were in the garage, sorting out some final adjustments to Dave's car.

It was time to watch another movie and Dave's car was perfect for the theme they had chosen for the movie this time.

"Dave's car is looking great!" said Alvin as he continued attaching bat wings to the car. Simon was hooking up a television to the engine. When it came to mechanics and science, Simon was the chipmunk for the job.

Alvin with much strain, attached the last bat wing to the car. "There we go," he said proudly, "the Bat Car is finished."

He and Simon opened the doors and sat down in the front seats. 

"Now where is Theodore?" Alvin asked, noticing that his youngest brother wasn't there, "he's going to miss the movie!"

Simon smiled. "He just went out to get popcorn for everyone." He remember that Theodore always liked food especially when it came to sitting down to watch a movie.

Suddenly a small figure jumped in the backseat behind them, it was Theodore carrying two enormous boxes of popcorn which had spilled on them as he had jumped in.

"Surprise!" shouted Theodore.

"Thanks Theodore!" groaned Alvin and Simon.

"Hey, why do I have to sit in back?" Theodore asked. 

Alvin hesitated for a moment before saying: "It wouldn't be a Drive-In movie if there wasn't someone in the backseat."

Theodore scratched his head. "Oh yeah, I get it." His excitement suddenly returned. "Boy, this going to be the best movie ever."

"You like anything with your favorite superhero," said Alvin.

"He's great," said Theodore taking huge mouthfuls of popcorn, "He always wins."

"Heroes are okay," said Alvin, "but the villains have more fun!"

Simon disagreed with this remark. "Fun isn't everything Alvin," he said, "it's the triumph of  good over evil."

"Are you kidding me?" Alvin replied, "It's the fun!"

"The good!" argued Simon.

"The fun!" snapped back Alvin.

Theodore was always stuck in the middle of his elder brothers' arguing, but he wasn't going to allow this to stop him enjoying the movie.

"Can we please watch Batmunk now?" he said after breaking up their fighting. "It's my favorite movie!"

Theodore then pressed on a button on the television and movie came to life on the screen in front of them.

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Batmunk (Novelization)Where stories live. Discover now