Chapter 2: Wayne Manor

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Wayne Manor was the stately home of Brice Wayne, but several feet underneath was the Bat Cave, the hideout of Batmunk.

Happy, Brice Wayne's butler was in the Bat Cave at that moment, doing some dusting.

Happy was a short fellow with black hair and a mustache who wore a butler suit with grey shoes and a green bow tie and sash. He was the only person who knew his master's true identity. Happy had been Brice's guardian after the unfortunate death of his parents and had been his full supporter on protecting the city from crime. 

He looked over at the Bat Cycle in the corner. Happy couldn't help but sit in the seat and pretending he was driving away to catch some criminals.

A that moment the floor opened and a secret platform appeared to reveal the Bat Car.

"Evening Happy," said Batmunk as he climbed out of the seat of the car, pulling off his gloves.

"Good Evening Sir," said Happy as he took the gloves from him, "I trust everything went well tonight. Did you defeat any criminals?"

"Yes I did Happy," said Batmunk, as he took of his cape.

"Good going Sir," said Happy. He was always pleased to hear about his master's adventures. But he could see some sadness in Batmunk's eyes.

"But I failed to set them on the right path," said Batmunk sadly as he tossed his cape to Happy and went to a changing room to change his clothes.

"Now now, cheer up Sir," said Happy cheerfully as he hung the cape and gloves on a hook, "why don't I make you some nice warm milk in your favorite Bat Mug."

By this time, Brice had changed his clothes and was sitting in bed, reading a book.

Happy entered the bedroom and handed the milk filled mug to Brice. "Don't forget about your interview with Nicki Nale from the Chipmunk Quarterly," Happy reminded him.

"Oh yes," said Brice after taking a long satisfying sip from the mug, "I almost forgot. Thank you Happy."

"She wants to talk to you about unveiling your greatest toy invention at the Orphan's Benefit," Happy continued. Then suddenly he saw Brice wasn't in his bed. He looked up to see his master wrapped up and sleeping upside down like a bat.

"Sleep well Sir," whispered Happy. He drew back the curtains of the four poster bed and quietly left the room.

Alvin and the Chipmunks: Batmunk (Novelization)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz