Chapter 3: The Jokester's Plot

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Funland Park had been a famous amusement park for many years. But now it had become run down and deserted with some of the attractions like the roller coaster track and the ferris wheel being broken.

In this abandoned park was a fun house that too had been deserted. It was boarded up and had two signs saying CLOSED and KEEP OUT. However this particular area of the park was not as deserted as everybody thought.

This was the hideout of the criminal clown known as the Jokester.

The Jokester sat in a room that resembled the face of a circus clown. His chair was surrounded by many mirrors.

He had a white face, green hair and a shiny red clown nose. He wore a purple hat along with a jacket with orange stripes, a red ribbon bow tie, lime green trousers and brown floppy shoes. On his right lapel was large white flower.

The Jokester was sitting in his chair, fuming with anger. His henchmen had failed him again. After their arrest he had had to spend some money to bail them out and it had not been cheap.

His anger was mainly for Batmunk because every time it seemed that he was succeeding with his plans for toy domination, that Caped Crusader was always ruining his plans.

"Why?" He snarled, "Why does that Batmunk always get the best of me?"

He swung his chair round, "And now he has all the best toys!"

Jokester pulled a lever at the side of the chair and a tongue extended from out of the room to complete the clown face it represented.

"Moe, Curly, Chuckles," he shouted, "get in here!"

The three clowns came running into the room as fast as they could.

"Yeah Boss," said Chuckles, "you called."

Jokester looked at them with a "you had better not disappoint me or else" expression on his face.

"I bailed you clowns out of jail, now what have you got for me?" he said.

The three clowns fell silent, not knowing quite what their boss was talking about.

Jokerster angrilly slammed his right fist on the arm of the chair, "What toys have you come up with to outdo Batjerk's toy line?"

Moe stepped forward nervously. In his hands was a puzzle with the Jokester's face on it.

"You'll love this Boss," he said, "It's a puzzle." He pulled out a piece from it. "You're supposed to undo the pieces, but you can't put it back together.

Moe gave a heartly laugh, "It'll drive the kids nuts!" Then he looked nervously at his boss and didn't like the expression on his face. "What do you think?" he asked.

Jokester rubbed his chin. "Hmm, actually that's..." he faltered for a second then pressed a yellow button on the arm of the chair, "really dumb!" he finished.

A platform with a giant spring catapulted Moe into the air, sending him crashing though the ceiling above.

"Who's next?" asked Jokester looking at his other two nervous henchmen.

Curly pulled out a small red ball with a button attached to it.

"Behold the Jokester's Super Ball," he said, "it never stops bouncing."

He pressed the button on the ball and it bounced high into the air, colliding from wall to ceiling and finally leaping from mirror to mirror smashing each one before bouncing away into the distance.

Jokester rubbed his chin again. "My, my!" he said, "that's a... nice try!"

He pressed the yellow button again. The floor where Curly was standing, suddenly spun him round like a top and tossed him out of a window.

"Next," said Jokester, there was only Chuckles left now.

"You're gonna love this Boss," said Chuckles. He pulled out something that resembled a jack-in-the-box with a spring on top and a bell ringer attached to it. "It's a Jokester Perambulated Double Flort Zipple," he said.

Jokester's eyes suddenly lit up. "Oh! Really!" he said and took the toy from Chuckles, "it's the best Perambulated Double Flort Zipple, I've ever seen!"

Jokester then gave a long hearty laugh. Chuckles felt relieved that he had finally pleased his boss. "You like it?" he asked, "you really like it?"

"No!" said Jokester firmly. It turned out he had only been sarcastic. He threw the toy to the ground and squeezed a balloon attached to his flower. Water squirted from the bloom with such force that it sent Chuckles straight through the wall.

Jokester watched him go. "Now that's funny!" he said to himself and burst out laughing before pulling the lever to take him back inside his room. His henchmen had failed him again, but he wasn't going to let Batmunk beat him this time.

He applied a make up duster to his face. "Batmunk may have the best toy line for now," he said dangerously, "but's that's gonna change when I steal Brice Wayne's latest toy invention and make it my own!"

Jokester picked up a flyer with a nasty chuckle. It showed a picture of Brice Wayne standing in front of his amazing collection of toys under the words TOP TOYS.

"Thank you Brice," said Jokerster smirking, "for making the Jokester's toy better than all of Batmunk's." He then laughed a long and evil laugh.

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