he meets you for the very first time:

Mulai dari awal


     You wake up in your bed and open the curtains. The sun shined in front of your face as you heard birds chirping from outside. Your window was closed so it was shocking to hear it through the window. It looked so nice outside.

"I should go out." You smile to yourself. You get ready for the day which is making your bed, having breakfast, showering, makeup and getting dressed. You exited your apartment with sunglasses, a blanket and a book to read. It only took you less than 10 minutes to walk to Central Park. It was weird that there wasn't as much traffic and not a lot of people as you see today. It was so nice outside and you would just always get so stressed when it's chaotic in New York but for some reason on a nice day it wasn't. You liked it though it just felt a little weird. You find a spot with some shade and lay your blanket down and start reading your book with your sunglasses on.

30 minutes later you ended up finishing your book and you really liked how it ended. 'Good book' you thought. You closed the book placing it in your bag and look at your phone. The time was 1:24 in the afternoon so you decided to go back to your apartment and chill for the rest of the day as you almost always do on a daily basis. You fold your blanket and put it in your bag leaving your spot. You were walking on a sidewalk now and you looked around minding your own business. It looked a little more crazy but that didn't bother you a lot. You glanced to your right and look back at something that caught your eye.

(I know Tom Holland lol)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(I know Tom Holland lol)

You saw this guy that looked at you as like he was starstruck. When you looked back the second time you say him chuckling scratching the back of his head. He was walking the opposite way you were going which made you slightly sad. You thought he was really cute and for some reason he wouldn't get out of your mind.

A few minutes later you get to a stoplight pole and press the walk button and wait patiently with a big crowd of people wanting to cross the street. 'Shit!' You forgot your sunglasses. You run back and people looked at you like you were insane which you didn't care about. As you were running you were looking in your bag again to check to see if your sunglasses were in there or not. All of a sudden, you abruptly bump into someone causing you to fall down with all of your stuff spilling out of your bag.
"Aw man." You groan.
"Oh my god are you okay?" You hear a man ask you. You were assuming it was the person you bumped into.
"Yeah I'm fi-" you cut yourself off when you see the exact same guy you bumped into. He smiled lightly waiting for your answer.
"What's up?" He chuckles.
"Sorry." You mumble embarrassed looking away.
"No you're fine!" He says understanding. You look back up at him and he's knelt down picking up all of your stuff that spilled from your bag.
"Oh my gosh stop. You don't have to do that." You chuckle feeling flattered.
"Oh don't be so polite!" He jokes. You chuckle and he see his smile quickly erase from his face.
"Oh shit." He says with wide eyes.
"What?" You ask. He was holding your phone and he hesitantly shows you your screen.
"Oh no." You say disappointingly. Your phone screen was completely cracked.
"I'm so sorry." You say grabbing it.
"Why are you sorry? I'm the one that should be sorry." He says feeling guilty.
"You know what? I'll make it up to you." He says giving you a hand.
"No no. You've done so much already."
"No I mean it. I'll buy you a new phone." He says waiting for you to grab his hand. You finally take it and he helps you up. You look down and you notice he has a dog with him.
"No it's okay. I'm getting the new iPhone in like a week anyway so you're fine." You say starting to blush.
"Are you sure?" He asks in concern.
"Yeah." You say without hesitation.
"Okay. Are you walking home?" He asks you.
"Yeah why?"
"I can walk you home. It's the least I can do." He says.
"Alright." You say. You didn't want to say no to that. You start walking with him and you both have a normal conversation.
"What's your name?" He asks kindly.
"Y/N. What's yours?" You ask.
"Nice. What about your dog?" You giggle.
"This is Shay." He chuckles as you both stop at the stoplight pole waiting to cross the street. You pet Shay and she's panting with her tongue out. She looked like she was smiling too which made it a lot more adorable.
"Hi shay. You're a good girl." You say in a high pitched voice making jack laugh.

ajr preferences  ☻Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang