Chapter 8

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Bugs was sitting at one of the tables, drinking one of Tina's concoctions. It tasted like fruit punch and Sprite, but knowing Tina it's probably not that simple.

"Hey Bugs! Why are you all alone?" (Y/N) asked. She walked over to the table Bugs was sitting at, plopping down in front of him. She had a cup too, but instead of red liquid, it was green. "No reason. Everybody seems caught up in their own good time so I just came here to relax." Bugs replied, taking a sip of his drink before placing it on the table.

(Y/N) laughed. "I don't know how you could relax with music playing. I don't even want to know what Daffy was thinking when he made this play-list." Bugs glanced over towards the karaoke stage, noticing right away that Daffy was yelling at Sylvester. I don't even think there's a reason he's yelling... He just is.

(Y/N) stood up, leaving her cup on the table and extending her hand to Bugs. "How about we go skate?" Bugs looked at her for a second, admiring her kindness. Man... Avoiding feelings for her is gonna be harder than I thought it would. Bugs shook off his blush and took her hand. "Wanna race?" He asked, standing up. "Oh you're on!!" (Y/N) let go of Bugs' hand, rushing to the rink. "Hey wait for me!!  Don't cheat!!" Bugs yelled after her, skating in between the tables as he went. Yup. It'll definitely be harder than I thought.

~Your POV~

I walked out of the skating rink, my feet feeling funny from the loss of skates. I remember doing this for my birthday. Everyone had such a great time... I really do miss it. I walked to my car, thankful that I hadn't parked it on the other side of the lot. Everyone had been at the party, and I made some new friends. Foghorn finally started talking to me again, and Sylvester apologized for leaving the meeting earlier this week.

I heard pounding feet behind me, and I turned around to be met with a sweaty Bugs. "Hey (Y/N)! I was wondering if... We could exchange numbers?" Bugs shoved his hands in his pockets, looking everywhere that wasn't my eyes. "Of course Bugs! Why didn't I think to ask you earlier? It literally just on my mind" I replied, taking out my phone. He got his and we switched, putting each other's numbers in the others phone.

We gave the phones back and he smiled. "I guess I'll talk to you later (Y/N)..." He trailed off, looking me dead in the eyes. The moon was especially bright tonight, making Bugs' figure even more handsome. His blonde hair that was always just between perfect and messy was drooping down over his wide hazel eyes. His lightly placed freckles were faded more than before, and his rosy pink lips were slightly parted. Kiss him. Now's your chance you have to kiss him!

It hadn't taken me long to realize that we were both leaning in, my face slowly getting closer and closer to my dream. Our lips were almost touching when, out of nowhere, Daffy yelled, "THERE YOU GUYS ARE!!" Bugs and I jumped away from each other just before Daffy ran around the side of my car.

I shook off my disappointment and put on a joking look. "Is there ever a time when you're not screaming?" I questioned, unlocking my car. "I don't believe so (Y/N), it's another one of those things you'll have to get used to." Bugs replied. I looked over at him to see he had recovered, the only thing on his face being a smirk.

"Daffy I would love to yell at each other for no reason, but I'm really tired. Can I rain check till tomorrow?" I said, stepping into my car. "Sure (Y/N), but Bugs I need to talk to you." Daffy waved at me before grabbing Bugs by the collar and dragging him back towards the building. I pulled out of the parking lot chuckling and shaking my head.

~Time Skip~

I sat on my bed after a nice shower, ready to sleep of my tiredness. I laid under my (f/c) blankets and stared at the ceiling. Does Bugs actually like me? Or was that just the heat of the moment? I sighed, shaking off my pushing my thoughts away and grabbing my phone. I went straight to Bugs' contact, tapping the 'message' icon.

                                      (Y/N): Goodnight Bugs 🌙

I sat my phone down, pondering on what I should wear tomorrow. BUZZ-BUZZ I looked at my phone to see that Bugs had responded.
Bugsy♥️: Goodnight (Y/N) 🌖

Hey guys!! I'm back with another chapter!! I just wanted to say a little bit before I leave you alone.

First off, this is gonna be the last (A/N) of this book, and of all my other books. I have another book called 'Random Things' where I give you updates on the posting schedule as well as if I can't update this for some reason. There's also facts about me,  and some mini-series. If you want to know why I'm not posting, go there. I update it every day, so make sure to check it frequently.

Also I started a new book called 'It', and it's my version of the 2017 It movie. There are new characters, new fears, and quite a bit of creepy stuff. So if you want to, go check it out!! That's it, so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you in my other books!!! BUH-BYE!!

Looney Lovers (Bugs Bunny x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now