Chapter 6

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My heart was going 345 miles an hour. 'Yes sir, I am' my mind wanted to say. But really, the answer to that question is 'No sir. I'm not and I never will be'. Go on and answer him!! We don't have 30 years to waste!! "Um... Truthfully sir I-" "P-p-porky" he interrupted. "Porky. I'm not really sure I can handle all this pressure... I mean I-" Porky didn't seem like he wanted to wait. He just kept on pushing me. "Ms. Wolf, we have to go now. Come on let's g-g-go."

"W-wait I- oh what the heck." I blurted as Porky pulled me to the doors.

*With Bugs*

Bugs threw back his head and groaned. He hadn't realized the meeting was so long. If he stayed sitting down any longer his butt would fall asleep. He looked around, only spotting one figure in the room.

I guess Sylvester isn't coming back... but who would expect him to? He's probably chasing Tweety again. Or getting beat by Granny. Either way, he's not here. Bugs sighed before turning to Foghorn.

"Hey Fog? Do you know what time this meeting is going to end?" Foghorn looked up from his feet, where he was playing a game of cards with no one. "I don't- I say I don't know when it's over. Don't you carry your schedule?" Bugs rolled his eyes. "No Fog. I don't. If I did I wouldn't have asked you when we got out of here." Foghorn just shrugged and continued playing a card game with no one.

Both of them jumped out of they're seats when Bugs' phone rang. Bugs hurried to answer it, hoping it would be an excuse to leave this boring meeting. It's not even a meeting. It's literally just two people sitting here. I'd rather get beat by Granny than sit here doing nothing for an hour. Actually... I take that back. Grannies beatings hurt.

Bugs finally answered the phone, only to be met with a screaming Daffy. "Where are you??!!" Bugs face-palmed. "I'm in a meeting. Is there something important going on? Important enough for me to leave this meeting?" He heard Daffy gasp. "The 9:00 meeting? That ended at 11:00!" Bugs looked at his watch, before he started running out of the door. FREEDOM!!

"What's going on anyway? You never call me. Unless it's across a room. And you're screaming." He laughed as Daffy scoffed. "Just come to studio 9. (Y/N) is shooting." As soon as Daffy said (Y/N), Bugs ran towards the studio faster than Donald Trump acknowledges all of his lies. But then again, he doesn't do that very fast. (I apologise to all Trump fans. Anything I say about him is my opinion, and I'm not shaming you for yours)

As soon as Bugs opened the door, he almost fainted. Yeah he had already saw (Y/N)'s fox form, but that doesn't mean it's not still stunning. Of course his mind just had to other things that could be stunning about her. I wonder what her voice sounds like when she's-

All of a sudden, he's slapped in the head.

Hewo fewo hoomans!! I know I haven't updated in a while. I'm truly sorry for that. I know this sounds cliche (I don't know how to spell it but you know what I mean) but I seriously just started another year of middle school. I'm really busy and I have my first test tomorrow and I just... Ooookay do anyway here's another chapter!! I don't know if you guys read this whole thing, but if you do, I appreciate it. I also wanted thank all my readers for the good feedback and votes. I encourage you guys to comment on parts of the story, or answer a question that I ask at the end. It really helps me think about ilwhat to do next. Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next chapter, that should be out Sunday. BUH-BYE!!

Looney Lovers (Bugs Bunny x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora