The Coronation

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Third person
The five children walk up the isle where all the centaur are stood to attention.
They pause looking at their five thrones which each have a significant carving on it. Then they walk up the steps and stand in front of their appropriate throne.

"To the glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the Valiant."
Mr. Tumnus approaches in a nice green scarf and the Beavers bear the crowns. Mr. Tumnus crowns each of them.
"To the great Western Wood, King Edmund, the Just, and Queen Y/n, the brave."
I look at Edmund, confused. We both belong to the Western Wood? Well, whatever. They get extra I guess.
"To the radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan, the Gentle. And to the clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter, the Magnificent.
Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens."

Everyone cheers for the five children.
"Long live King Peter! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Y/n! Long live Queen Susan! Long live Queen Lucy!"

Aslan is walking on the beach in the sunset. Y/n walks out onto the balcony and sees him walking away.

"Don't worry. We'll see him again." Mr. Tumnus said, standing beside her.


"In time. One day he'll be here and the next he won't. But you mustn't press him. After all, he's not a tame lion."

"No. But he is good."

"Here." Mr. Tumnus pulls out Lucy's handkerchief from under his scarf.
"You need it more than I do."

She takes it and sees that Aslan has disappeared. She looks at Tumnus in surprise and he nods at her.
Running back inside, (which she didn't expect) and coming back out, was a new person. Edmund.
He walked up to her slowly, taking her hand in his, awkwardly.
She didn't mind, though.
She looks out to sea and cries softly. Edmund just standing there, keeping her company.

Hunt for the White Stag
Third person
The 2 boys and the 3 girls are all adults now, well, except for one. One of them are still 19, are riding horses through the woods they're after the White Stag.
It is autumn and they are all wearing their crowns Edmund slows down, and Y/n stops, waiting for him as the others gallop off.

"Are you alright Phillip?" Edmund asks his horse.

"I'm not as young as I once was"

Edmund looks up at me.

"Shouldn't you be with the others?" He asked Y/n.

She shook her head.
"No. I'm waiting for you." She said with a smile. Edmund smiled back.

Today was gonna be the day that he told her he loved her.

After all, it has been 11 years, and he never once thought of telling her. He was too shy.

What he doesn't know, is that Y/n felt the same way.

Susan then returns to the two love birds.
"Come on, guys." She said.

"We're just catching our breaths." Y/n said for Phillip and Edmund.

"That's all we'll catch at this rate."

They then catch up to Peter and Lucy once Phillip gets his energy back.
Lucy heard everything, so she spoke up.
"What did he say again, Susan?"

""You girls wait in the castle. I'll catch the stag myself.""

They all laugh, Peter notices something and gets off his horse.
"What's this?"

The rest of them dismount their horses and join Peter.

They see a lamppost, covered in vines all the way to the top.

"As if from a dream" Susan said.

Y/n and Lucy look at each other with huge smiles.
"Or a dream of a dream." Lucy said
Y/n finishing for her.
"Spare Oom."
And with that, the two girls run off.

"Lucy! Y/n!" Peter called out.

"Not again." Susan groaned.

"Lu? Y/n/n?" Peter asked as the other Pevensies follow the two excited girls.

"Come on!" Lucy said excitedly.

The "branches" get denser, but instead of branches, they become fur coats.

"These aren't branches." Peter said.

"No dUh Peter." Y/n said, rolling her eyes, knowing no one could see.

"They're coats." Susan said.

"Susan, you're on my foot!" Edmund complains.

"Lucy, stop shoving!" Y/n says.

"I'm not! Peter, move off!"

The voices change to those of five children.

The children keep complaining as though they're the ones causing each other's pain. Even though they aren't.

All five children fall out of the wardrobe into the spare room. They look at themselves, each other, and then the door as the professor walks in.

"Oh! There you are!" The professor smiles. "What were you all doing in the wardrobe?"

The five glance at each other.

"You wouldn't Believe is if we told you, sir" Peter responds.

The professor throws a cricket ball to Peter.

"Try me."

Me and Lucy go to the wardrobe that night, I open the door and look inside, Lucy doing the same.

A voice makes us turn around.

"I don't think you'll get back in that way. You see...I've already tried." The professor said.

"Will we ever go back?" I asked, holding onto Lucy's hand.

"Oh, I expect so. But it'll probably happen when you're not looking for it. All the same."
He whispers,
"Best to keep your eyes open."

I sigh as we walk out of the room,

Not noticing the wardrobe opens a crack and light shines out. We didn't even hear Aslan's mighty roar.

The end

[the lion the witch and the Wardrobe] Edmund x reader {completed}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora