The Witch (part 2)

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The Witch's castle: courtyard
A door opens and Ginarrbrik and I walk through it into the courtyard. I stop short when I see a new statue: Mr. Tumnus.
Oh no. What have I done.

"When you're ready, Son of Adam" the White Witch says to me.

The sleigh sweeps out of the castle doors and across the frozen lake surrounding it. I huddle onto the floor whilst the queen sits upright, wrapped in her furs.

Father Christmas
Currently we are now walking across a huge frozen lake to get to the stone table.
As Peter bends down to give Lucy a piggy back ride, I stay beside them with my head hung low, deep in thought.

"If he tells us to hurry one more time, I'm going to turn him into a big, fluffy hat." Peter complains.

"Hurry up! Come on!"

"He is getting a little bossy!" Lucy also complains.

"No! Behind you! It's her!" Mrs. Beaver yells.

"Run! Run!" Mr. Beaver also yells.
Everyone starts running except for me. I'm too lost in thought to notice anything going on around me.

Peter notices me not running,
"Y/n! Run!" He tries yelling at me to get my attention, but I don't notice.

"Susan, Get Y/n!" Peter yells.

Susan looks behind her and sees me.

"Oh my god Y/n!" She yells, running towards me, picking me up (I'm surprisingly light) and catching up with the others.

Third person
The children and beavers flee across the lake and into the woods as the sleigh gains speed behind them. They run into the forest on the other end of the lake.

"Hurry!" Peter said, getting Lucy off his back

I finally snap back to reality when Mr. Beaver tells us to dive.

Lucy and Mrs. beaver go first, then me and Susan, and then last it was Peter and Mr. Beaver.

We dived down a little cave and go very still, watching the shadow on the mound of snow in front of them.
Snow drops down as someone moves about over them and walks away.

I'm trying not to cry.
Not just because I'm scared
But because I feel bad about holding Susan back a bit so she could grab me and run. It was my fault for not paying attention.

"Maybe she's gone." Lucy said.

"I suppose I'll go look." Peter said.

"No!" Mr. Beaver said, climbing out.
"You're worth nothing to Narnia if you're dead!"

"Well, neither are you, Beaver." Mrs. Beaver said.

Mr. Beaver takes her paws in his.
"Thanks sweetheart" he then scrambles up to the top.

We all wait nervously.
"Dear, are you alright?" I look over at Mrs. Beaver. She's looking at me.
I feel my cheeks. They're wet. I've been crying and I haven't even noticed.

Peter and Lucy look in my direction when Mrs. Beaver asked that.

"I'm alright. Don't worry about it." I say with a sniffle, wiping away my tears.

Lucy walks over to me.
"You know you could tell us, right? You don't have to act all brave, and not let us worry about you. Come on. Tell us." She said with a small smile, while holding my hands.
Peter nods.

"W-well. This might seem stupid. I just...I'm scared. I'm scared because what if something goes wrong? What if Edmund is already dead? And most of all, I just feel like a burden in all of this." I sigh, wiping away the extra tears that escaped.

[the lion the witch and the Wardrobe] Edmund x reader {completed}Where stories live. Discover now