The Lion

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Back at the waterfall
The witch, the dwarf, and I stand on the bank looking down at the fast moving river. The dwarf starts to shake off his furs.

"It's so hot out." Ginarrbrik complains.
The witch gives him a cold stare, and I smirk.
"I'll go check on the sleigh." He sighed, walking over to it.

The wolves suddenly approach us, one of them carrying a Fox in its mouth.

"Your majesty, we found the traitor. He was rallying your enemies near the shuddering woods." One of the wolves said.

"Ah, nice of you to drop in. You were so helpful to my wolves last night. Perhaps you could help me now."

"Forgive me, your majesty."
The fox said.

"Oh, don't waste my time with flattery."

"Not to seem rude, but I wasn't actually talking to you." The Fox says, looking at me.

The witch first looks at me, and then looks back to the Fox. She walks up to him, twirling her wand and points it at him.

"Where are the humans headed?"

The Fox refuses to answer, and the Witch moves the arm that is holding her wand, about to use it.

I get scared and I run in front of her.

"Wait! No! Don't. The Beaver said something about the stone table, and that Aslan had an army there."
I pause when I realize that I've betrayed her-them, again.

"An army? Thank you, Edmund. I'm glad that this creature got to see some honesty...before he dies."

Before I could do anything, she had turned the fox into stone.


The With turns around and slaps me in the face.
I cower back, holding my cheek, trying to keep the tears in.

"Think about who's side you're on, Edmund. Mine..."
she then grabbed my head and forced it so I looked at the Stone Fox.
"Or theirs?"

My eyes fill with tears.

"Go on ahead. gather the faithful. If it's a war Aslan wants..."
she turns a random butterfly into stone.
"...its a war he shall get!"

Entering into Aslan's camp
Me and the Pevensie siblings (excluding Edmund) are all now out shirts and no socks. As we pass a tree, I see Lucy stop and turn as a Dryad forms and waves to her. She waves back and catches up to us shortly after. Grabbing my hand. I smile at her.
"Having fun, Luce?" I giggle.
She giggles and nods.

We enter the camp as Centaurs, Bears, and fauns all stop what they are doing as we pass through.

"Why are they all staring at us?"
Susan asked.

"Maybe they think you look funny." I chuckle.

"Oi, stop your fussing. You look lovely." Mr. Beaver said.

We stand in front of an official looking tent where General Oreius stands guard.

Peter pulls out his sword and holds it in front of him, holding it towards the sky.
"We have come to see Aslan."

The tent's flaps, flap in the breeze and suddenly everyone kneels.
Aslan walks out, and us children then do too.

"Welcome, Peter, Son of Adam. Welcome, Susan, Lucy, and Y/n, Daughters of Eve. And welcome to you, Beavers. You have my thanks. But where is the fifth?"

"That's why we're here, sir. We need your help." Peter said.

"We had a little trouble along the way." Susan added.

[the lion the witch and the Wardrobe] Edmund x reader {completed}Where stories live. Discover now