The beginning

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(This is gonna be a short chapter, btw, so ye)

I run with Ms. Pevensie, gathering my friends so we can escape.
I see Edmund standing by the window.

"Edmund! Get away from there!" I yell out, getting his attention, he looks over at me but doesn't move. I go to get him but Ms. Pevensie pulls me back.

"No,  I'll gather the boys. Find the girls!"

I nod my head as I run to Susan and Lucy's room.
I see Susan grabbing stuff from beside her bed, grabbing a flashlight.
"Susan come on! Grab Lucy! We need to get out of here!" I scream.

Susan nods, looking over to Lucy, who's still in bed.
"Lucy, come on!" Susan said, grabbing Lucy's arm and dragging her out the door.

I get Lucy on my back as we start running to the shelter with Ms. Pevensie and the boys.

All the sudden Edmund starts running back, he saw a picture of his dad.

"Dad!" He yells, starting to run.

"Edmund no! Come back!" I yell as he keeps running.

"Ed!" Peter screams.

"Edmund, no!" Ms. Pevensie yells.

"I'll get him." Peter said, grabbing at Edmund, failing. He starts chasing after him.

"Peter, come back!" I yell.
I feel Lucy burry her head into my back.

Ms. Pevensie opens the shelter door and I run inside, along with Susan.
I quickly put Lucy down on one of the beds, holding her close to me as Susan does the same, holding me.

A few minutes go by and Edmund is suddenly shoved onto the bed by Peter, who runs inside with they're mother. (Ms. Pevensie, of course) she runs to Edmund and holds him close as he holds the picture of his father.

Peter looks at him angrily.
"Why can't you think of anyone but yourself? You're so selfish! You could have got us killed?" Peter said,
Edmund looked scared and looked like he was to cry.

"Peter, stop it!" I say angrily.

"It's ok, shh." I hear Ms. Pevensie say to Edmund. Poor Edmund, always getting yelled at from his brother.

"Why can't you just do as you're told?" Peter said as he slams the shelter door shut.

Train station (evacuating)
As we go through the crowd, everyone's words are going through my head. Too many people. Lucy notices and holds my hand, squeezing it as we try and keep up with the other Pevensies.
I then hear the announcer,
"Children and evacuation staff...attention, would all parents ensure that their children have the appropriate identification papers"

Ms. Pevensie stops us,
Wrapping a scarf around Lucy's neck.
"You need to keep this on, darling. All right? You warm enough?"
Lucy nods.
"Good girl." Ms. Pevensie looks at me.
"You're warm enough too?" She asked.

I looked at her and nodded.
"Don't worry Ms. Pevensie. I'm alright" I say, still holding onto Lucy's hand.

"If dad were here, it'd mean the war was over and we wouldn't have to go." Edmund said, clearly not keen on the idea of leaving.

Ms. Pevensie turns to Edmund.
"You will listen to your brother, won't you Edmund?"

Edmund sighs, and nods his head.

She then turns to Peter.
"Promise me you'll look after the others."

"I will, mum."

She looks at Susan.
"Susan, be a big girl...there now, off you go."
She turns back to Peter and gives the tickets to him, then looks back at all of us.

"All right, off you go." She said.
I nod, but before leaving, I give her a hug, and then run back to the siblings, grabbing onto Lucy's hand again.

Susan grabs hold of Edmund's arm, trying to drag him onto the train.

"Hey, get off. I know how to get on a train by myself. Get off me!" Edmund yanks his arm out of her grasp as we get on the train.

The woman by the door asked for the tickets Peter was holding, but it seemed like he was distracted, so Susan grabbed the tickets out of his hand and gave them to the lady, the lady nods her head and Susan grabs Peter, dragging him onto the train and sitting down in a booth where me, Edmund, and Lucy were already sitting at.
Me and Edmund are the ones sitting close to the window, him sitting on the opposite seat of mine, where Peter is sitting beside him,

Lucy and Susan are sitting beside me.

I see Edmund lay his head against the window, looking out through it.

I do the same, but I watch him instead.

He doesn't seem to notice, and that's alright with me.

Co ombe Halt Station
We're now standing on the platform, when we hear a car coming, we run down to meet it.
But instead of it stopping, it just goes right past us.

"The professor knew we were coming." Susan said with a huff.

"Perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled" Edmund said as a horse approaches.

"Come on, hup! And woah, woah" a lady said to the horse, making it stop in front of us, there's a carriage type thing in the back.

"Mrs. Macready?" I ask.

She looks down at us.
"I'm afraid so... is this it, then? Haven't you brought anything else?" She answered, looking down at our small suitcases.

"No, ma'am. It's just us." Peter responds

"Small favors" She said as we climb  into the carriage with our stuff.

We arrive at a huge house, we get out the cart, grab our stuff, and we enter, climbing up the huge stairs behind Mrs. Macready.

In the Professor's house
I look around in amazement, holding both Lucy and Susan's hands this time.
"Woah." I whisper.

"Professor Kirke is not accustomed to having children in this house. And as such, there are a few rules we need to follow. There will be no shouting, or running. No improper use of the dumbwaiter, NO touching of the historical artifacts! And above all, there shall be no disturbing of the Professor."

We all nod, and headed to our rooms.

The boys share a room, while me, Susan,  and Lucy share a room.

Later that night
We were all in Susan, Lucy, and I's room, me and Lucy laying down on the bed, while the radio played.

"German aircraft carried out a number of attacks on Great Britain last night. The raids, which lasted for several hours..."
Susan walks over to the radio and turned it off, knowing that we all didn't really wanna hear it.

"The sheets feel scratchy" Lucy complains.

I sigh and look at the young girl.
"Wars don't last forever, Lucy. We'll be home soon." I lay a hand on her shoulder, giving her a sweet smile.

"Yeah, if home's still there." Edmund says sarcastically.

I snap my head over in his direction, glaring at him.

"Isn't it time you were in bed?" Susan snaps at him.

"Yes, MUM!" Edmund responds with sarcasm.

"Ed!" Peter said with warning, like he was going to do something if he didn't shut up.

He then looks over to Lucy and I.
"You saw outside, this place is huge. We can do whatever we want here. Tomorrow's going to be great, really." Me and Lucy sigh at the same time.

[the lion the witch and the Wardrobe] Edmund x reader {completed}Where stories live. Discover now